Poland's Memory Wars

Jo Harper (ed.)
Poland's Memory Wars
Essays on Illiberalism
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Table of Contents
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Introduction: Illiberal, Aliberal, Anti-liberal?
Jo Harper

PART I. Essays on PiS
Never Mind the Boleks!
Jo Harper
What's Finished, What's Beginning?
Andrzej Rychard
Authoritarian Drive in Poland
David Ost
The Triumph of National Communism
Brian Porter-Szűcs
Polish Right-wing Populism
Artur Lipiński & Agnieszka Stępińska
Crisis, What Crisis?
Nicholas Richardson
Foreign Relations in the Age of Kaczyński
Jan Muś

PART II. PiS's Politics of History
The New Romantics
Joanna Średnicka
The History Men
Jan Darasz
Poland's Culture of Commemoration
Ewa Stańczyk
Poland's Theater of Death
Dariusz Czaja

PART III. PiS's Politics of Normality
The Quest for the "Normal" Family
Urszula Chowaniec
Straight Talking
Tomasz Basiuk
An Identity Reset
Remi Adekoya
Jo Harper

Part IV. Interviews
History As We May Wish It To Be
Jan Gross
966 and All That
Neal Ascherson
The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same
Mikolaj Kunicki
History Repeats Itself
Mateusz Kijowski
Understand the War, Understand Poland
Pawel Ukielski
Defenders of the Faith
Neal Pease

Appendix I: Timeline
Appendix II: Glossary
The Cast
Romantic and Post-Romantic Poets and Dramatists

List of Contributors

Jo Harper (ed.)

Poland's Memory Wars

Essays on Illiberalism

This volume of essays and interviews by Polish, British, and American academics and journalists provides an overview of current Polish politics for both informed and non-specialist readers. The essays consider why and how PiS, Law and Justice, the party of Jarosław Kaczynski, returned to power, and the why and how of its policies while in power. They help to make sense of how “history” plays a key role in Polish public life and politics.

The descriptions of PiS in Western media tend to rework old stereotypes about Eastern Europe that had lain dormant for some time. The book addresses the underlying question whether PiS was simply successful in understanding its electorate, and just helped Poland to revert to its normal state. This new Normal seems quite similar to the old one: insular, conservative, xenophobic, and statist.

The book looks at the current struggle between one ‘Poland’ and another; between a Western-looking Poland and an inward-looking Poland, the former more interested in opening to the world, competing in open markets, and working within the EU, and the latter more concerned with holding onto tradition.

The question of illiberalism has gone from an ‘Eastern’ problem (Russia, Turkey, Hungary, etc.) to a global one (Brexit and the U.S. elections). This makes the very specific analysis of Poland’s illiberalism applicable on a broader scale.


Jo Harper

Jo Harper is a freelance British journalist based in Warsaw, writing for the BBC, PoliticoDeutsche Welle and others. He is editor of Poland’s Memory Wars: Essays on Illiberalism (CEU Press, 2018) on the rise of PiS, and holds a PhD from the London School of Economics on Polish political history.