From Socialism to Capitalism

Janos Kornai
From Socialism to Capitalism
Eight Essays
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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1 The Coherence of the Classical System


The Main Line of Causality

The Affinity among Elements of the System

The Prototype and the National Variations

The Soviet Effect


The Viability of the Classical System

2 The Inner Contradictions of Reform Socialism


Transformation without a Strategy

The Evolution of a Private Sector

The Persistence of Bureaucracy

Alternative Forms of Social Organization

The Weakness of “Third Forms”

Normative Implications

3 Market Socialism? Socialist Market Economy?


Interpretation of the Term “Market”

Interpretation 1: Marx’s Concept

Interpretation 2: The Walrasian Concept

Interpretation 3: The Leninist Concept

Interpretation 4: The Social Democratic Concept

Interpretation 5: What are the Current Chinese and Vietnamese Interpretations of “Socialism”?

4 The Speed of Transformation


Ownership Reform and Development of the Private Sector

Macroeconomic Stability


5 The Great Transformation of Central Eastern Europe: Success and Disappointment


In the Context of World History

From the Perspective of Everyday Life

The Tasks of the Economists’ Profession

6 What Does “Change of System” Mean?


Positive Versus Normative Approach

A Positive Approach to the Change of System

A Positive Approach to Changing the Political Structure

The Reception of Capitalism and Democracy—A Normative Approach

“Replacing the Elite” and “Dispensing Justice”— A Normative Approach

Concluding Remarks

Appendix: The Transformation of China

7 What can Countries Embarking on Post-socialist Transformation Learn from the Experiences so Far?


Starting Points

Some Lessons

Concluding Remarks


8 The System Paradigm


A System Paradigm, Not a Transformational Paradigm

A Brief Intellectual History

The Main Attributes of the System Paradigm

Post-socialist Transformation: The Great Challenge

Some other Puzzles

Failures of Prediction

Appendix: On segregation of the social science


Previous Publications of the Studies in this Volume

Name Index

Subject Index

Janos Kornai

From Socialism to Capitalism

Eight Essays

Eight essays connected by various common strands. The most important one is the community of the main subject-matter: socialism, capitalism, democracy, change of system. These four expressions cover four phenomena of great and comprehensive importance. Each piece in the book deals with these and the connections between them.

One of the Leitmotifs is the “capitalism/socialism” pair of opposites. Capitalism has a history of several hundred years, while the socialist regime existed only for a few decades. But this pair of opposites was central to the history of the twentieth century. This antagonism put its stamp on political thinking, on the foreign policy and military preparedness of every country, and on some appallingly destructive armed conflicts. All these had great secondary influence on each country’s economic development and the standard of living and disposition of its inhabitants.

None of the studies is confined to one country—not to Hungary or to any other. Each tries to embrace the problems common to greater units. However, the greater unit comprehended is not the same in each study. One may deal with the capitalist or socialist system in general, another will all the post-socialist countries, and a third the Central East European region. But all extend the analysis beyond the borders of one country.


Janos Kornai

János Kornai is Professor Emeritus of Harvard University, Permanent Fellow Emeritus of Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study and Distinguished Research Professor of Central European University, Budapest. He is member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of several foreign academies.