Present Tensions

Kristina Kaiserová, Gert Röhrborn (eds)
Present Tensions
European Writers on Overcoming Dictatorships
€ 141,00 excl. VAT
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Introduction KRISTINA KAISEROVÁ and GERT RÖHRBORN: “The generation affected will have to see it through.” ASTRID KÖHLER: On the role of language; Sediments WOLFGANG TEMPLIN: Lesen in der Diktatur – Schreiben in der Diktatur – Reading and writing under dictatorships; ZSÓFIA BALLA: A képernyo imádása – Worshipping the screen; GABRIEL CHIFU: Relatare despre moartea mea – Report on my death; DENISA MIRENA PISCU: Banane verzi puse la copt pe dulapuri – Green bananas left to get ripe on cupboards; Voids EDUARD VACEK: Jak to bylo? – How all that happened?; JIRÍ DEDECEK: Odznak – Badge; ALESSANDRO TAMBURINI: Il cielo che prima non c'era – The sky that wasn’t there before; Time travels MIKOLÁŠ CHADIMA: Rock a Diktatura – Rock and dictatorship; LUTZ RATHENOW: Alles Echos – All echos; GYÖRGY SPIRO: Verniszázs – The Vernissage; OLGA TOKARCZUK: Che Guevara Biographies

Kristina Kaiserová, Gert Röhrborn (eds)

Present Tensions

European Writers on Overcoming Dictatorships

An intersection of literary works on the question of how dictatorships are overcome, which emerged from a transnational project convening acclaimed writers. The generations, European countries of origin and artistic directions represented are both an advantage and a challenge reflected by this anthology. A considerable variety of motivations drove participants: putting into words a contemporary biography of persecution, a descendant's feeling of personal historical responsibility, or the artistic curiosity of the "outsider". The anthology is dedicated to the imaginative power of literature, and to Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe in particular. The formerly multicultural setting of these countries suffered the most from European dictatorships and their insufficiently processed legacies. The cultural transfer exhibited here will help reduce prejudices and promote new forms of understanding with Western Europe: it aims to further a diversified but common European culture.

Gert Röhrborn

Gert Röhrborn is political scientist, analyst and moderator.