Series editors

Inger Kuin

Emma Huig

Maurits de Leeuw

Mirte Liebregts

Johan Weststeijn



About the series:

The Zenobia series is a publication of the Zenobia Foundation, which aims to promote the study of the eastern Mediterranean. By organizing conferences and lectures and publishing the Zenobia series, this foundation brings together people with an interest in the lively exchange that began millennia ago between cultures from North Africa to the Balkans and from the Iberian Peninsula to modern-day Iraq. The Zenobia series takes its name from the last ruler of the city of Palmyra, in modern-day Syria. Zenobia conquered large parts of the Roman Empire in the third century AD and settled in the prosperous and multicultural desert city. She was eventually defeated by the Roman emperor Aurelian, who captured and destroyed Palmyra. Because the city remained largely uninhabited after this defeat, the ruins kept the memory of Zenobia alive for centuries, in the Arab world and beyond. The volumes in the Zenobia series are published in Dutch, but some volumes are translated into English and published in the series Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean with Brill.

Already published:

0 Zenobia van Palmyra. Vorstin tussen Europese en Arabische traditie. Edited by Diederik Burgersdijk, Raphael Hunsucker, Evelien Roels & Martje de Vries (2018)

1 Alexander en Darius. De Macedoniër in de spiegel van het Nabije Oosten. Edited by Diederik Burgersdijk, Wouter Henkelman & Willemijn Waal (2013)

2 Henk Singor, Sicilië in de Oudheid. De Griekse periode. (2013)

3 Dodenlijst. Appianus en Cassius Dio over het bloedige verleden van keizer Augustus. Translation by Willem van Maanen & Marco Poelwijk (2014)

4 Philostratos, Schilderijen & Sofisten. Kunst, ekphrasis en retorica in de klassieke oudheid. Translation by Peter Burgersdijk (2015)

5 Het verhaal van Apollonius. Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri. Translation by Vincent Hunink, with an introduction by Diederik Burgersdijk (2018)

6 Mohammed en de Late Oudheid. Edited by Josephine van den Bent, Floris van den Eijnde & Johan Weststeijn (2018); available in English as Late Antique Responses to the Arab Conquests (2022)

7 Jeruzalem, Jeroesjalajiem, Al-Quds. De heilige stad door de eeuwen heen. Edited by Josephine van den Bent & Thomas Hart (2020)

8 Xerxes’ droom. De lange schaduw van zijn Griekse veldtocht. Edited by Mathieu de Bakker & Janric van Rookhuijzen (2021)

9 De huid van Cleopatra: Etniciteit en diversiteit in oudheidstudies. Edited by Emma Huig, Inger N.I. Kuin & Mirte Liebregts (2022)

Previous titles can be ordered via Stichting Zenobia.