Yehuda Elkana and Jürgen Renn
Henning Hufnagel and Anne Eusterschulte
Part 1
Epistemic Practices of a Revolutionary. Bruno’s Methods and Thinking
Paul Richard Blum
Giordano Bruno’s Changing of Default Positions
Angelika Bönker-Vallon
The Measurement of the Immeasurable. Divine Mind and Mathematical Structures in Giordano Bruno’s De triplici minimo et mensura
Michele Ciliberto
“…per speculum et in aenigmitate …”
Anne Eusterschulte
Platonic Caverns and Epicurean Worlds
Part 2
Experience and Vision of a New Cosmic Order. Giordano Bruno’ Natural Philosophy
Miguel A. Granada
De immenso et innumerabilibus, I, 3, and the Concept of Planetary Systems in the Infinite Universe. A Commentary
Wolfgang Neuser
Atom, Matter and Monade
Enrico Giannetto
Giordano Bruno and the Relativity of Time
Arcangelo Rossi
Giordano Bruno and the New Order of Nature between Copernicus and Galilei
Part 3
Forms of Non-Conformity. Bruno’s Works as Literary Texts
Nuccio Ordine
The Comic and Philosophy. Plato’s Philebus and Bruno's Candelbearer
Sergius Kodera
The (In)discreet Presence of Machiavelli in Giordano Bruno’s Candelaio
Henning Hufnagel
Bruno’s Cabala: Satire of Knowledge and the Uses of the Dialogue Form
Part 4
Reflections of an Intellectual Burning. Bruno’s Reception and Literary Afterlife
Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann
The Dialectic of the Absolute Beginning. On a Copper Engraving in Heinrich Khunrath’s Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae
Ingrid Rowland
A Catholic Reader of Giordano Bruno in Counter-Reformation-Rome. Athanasius Kircher SJ and Panspermia Rerum
Francois Quiviger
From Paris to Rome, Hamburg and London. Aspects of the Afterlife of Giordano Bruno in the Twentieth Century
Part 5
Visibility of the Invisible. About the Sculpture Giordano Bruno by Alexander Polzin (2008)
Durs Grünbein
Flame and Wood. On Alexander Polzin’s Sculpture Giordano Bruno
Alexander Polzin
Giordano Bruno
List of Contributors