From Solidarity to Martial Law
From Solidarity to Martial Law
The Polish Crisis of 1980–1981
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Foreword by Lech Walesa Preface and Acknowledgments “The Polish Crisis: Internal and International Dimensions” by Andrzej Paczkowski and Malcolm Byrne Acronyms and Abbreviations Chronology of Events Documents PART ONE – THE BIRTH OF SOLIDARITY Document No. 1: Protocol No. 13 of PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, July 18, 1980 Document No. 2: Extract from Protocol No. 210 of the CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, August 25, 1980 Document No. 3: Cardinal Wyszynski Sermon at Jasna Góra following the Outbreak of Strikes, with Reactions, August 26–28, 1980 Document No. 4: Protocol of PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, August 27, 1980 Document No. 5: CPSU CC Politburo Commission Order to Enhance Readiness of Military Units for Possible Use in Poland, August 28, 1980 Document No. 6: The Szczecin Agreement, August 30, 1980 Document No. 7: The Gdansk Agreement, August 31, 1980 Document No. 8: President Carter Letter to Allies on Poland, September 1, 1980 Document No. 9: CPSU CC Politburo Report on Topics for Discussion with the Polish Leadership, September 3, 1980 Document No. 10: Special Coordination Committee, Summary of Conclusions, “Meeting on Poland,” with attachment, September 23, 1980 PART TWO – FRATERNAL ASSISTANCE Document No. 11: Transcript of Bulgarian (BCP CC) Politburo Meeting, October 21, 1980 Document No. 12: Solidarity National Coordinating Commission Statement on Union Registration, October 24, 1980 Document No. 13: Protocol of PUWP CC Secretariat Meeting, October 25, 1980 Document No. 14: Transcript of Bulgarian (BCP CC) Politburo Meeting, October 25, 1980 Document No. 15: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, October 29, 1980 Document No. 16: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, October 31, 1980 Document No. 17: Letter from Leonid Brezhnev to Erich Honecker, November 4, 1980 Document No. 18: Letter from Erich Honecker to Leonid Brezhnev, November 26, 1980 Document No. 19: Report of the Czechoslovak Army Chief of Staff to the Minister of National Defense, December 3, 1980 Document No. 20: CIA Alert Memorandum, December 3, 1980 Document No. 21: Message from Ryszard Kuklinski on Impending Warsaw Pact Invasion, December 4, 1980 Document No. 22: Minutes of Warsaw Pact Leadership Meeting in Moscow, December 5, 1980 Document No. 23: Minutes of U.S. Special Coordination Committee Meeting, December 7, 1980 Document No. 24: CIA Situation Report, “Poland,” December 8, 1980 Document No. 25: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, December 11, 1980 PART THREE – FROM CRISIS TO CRISIS Document No. 26: Protocol of Meeting of Leading Aktiv Members of Ministry of Internal Affairs, January 5, 1981 Document No. 27: CPSU CC Instructions to the Soviet Ambassador concerning Lech Walesa’s Visit to Italy, January 14, 1981 Document No. 28: PUWP CC Report on Leonid Zamyatin Visit to Katowice, January 16, 1981 Document No. 29: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, January 22, 1981 Document No. 30: Supplement No. 1 to PUWP CC Politburo Protocol No. 657 Analyzing the Intentions of Solidarity, January 26, 1981 Document No. 31: National Intelligence Estimate (NIE 12.6–81), “Poland’s Prospects over the Next Six Months,” January 27, 1981 Document No. 32: Solidarity National Coordinating Commission, “Statement on the Current Social and Political Situation,” circa February 1981 Document No. 33: Supplement No. 2 to PUWP CC Politburo Protocol No. 69, February 6, 1981 Document No. 34: Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro, February 28, 1981 Document No. 35: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, March 12, 1981 Document No. 36: Ministry of Internal Affairs Duty Report on Preparations for Martial Law, March 16, 1981 Document No. 37: Protocol No. 82 from PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, March 25, 1981 Document No. 38: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, March 26, 1981 PART FOUR – SEARCH FOR A “POLISH SOLUTION” Document No. 39: Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, April 2, 1981 Document ....

Malcolm Byrne, Andrzej Paczkowski (red.)

From Solidarity to Martial Law

The Polish Crisis of 1980–1981

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95 documents on the events that represent a pivotal moment in modern Polish and world history: 16 months between August 1980 when the Solidarity trade union was founded and December 1981 when Polish authorities declared martial law and crushed the nationwide opposition movement that had grown up around the union. Transcripts of Soviet and Polish Politburo meetings give a detailed picture of the goals, motivations and deliberations of the leaders of these countries. Records of Warsaw Pact gatherings, notes of bilateral sessions of the communist camp provide additional pieces to the puzzle of what Moscow and its allies had in mind. Materials are included from Solidarity, too.
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Malcolm Byrne

Malcolm Byrne is Director of Research at the National Security Archive where he coordinates a program involving Russian and East European scholars in documentary research, conference preparation and publications relating to the Cold War.

Andrzej Paczkowski

Prof. Andrzej Paczkowski is a Polish historian. Professor of Collegium Civitas, director of Modern History Studies in the Political Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, member of Collegium of Institute of National Remembrance.