Times of History
Times of History
Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography
€ 140,99
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Preface Foreword: Beyond Orientalism, by Hayden White Acknowledgements I. Historical Catgorisation 1.Tropes and Temporalities of Historiographic Romanticism, Modern and Islamic 2. Islam and the History of Civilisations II. Typological Time, Patterning and the Past Appropriated 3. Chronophagous Discourse: A Study of the Clerico-Legal Appropriation of the World in an Islamic Tradition 4. The Muslim Canon from Late Antiquity to the Era of Modernism 5. Histoire et narration dans l'historiographie arabe III. History of the Future 6. God's Chronography and Dissipative Time 7. Rhetoric for the Senses: A Consideration of Muslim Paradise Narratives IV. Distractions of Clio: Impasses and Perspectives of Historians’ History 8. Classical and Medieval Islamic Political Thought: Current Historiography and the Frame of History 9. Monotheistic Monarchy

Aziz Al-Azmeh

Times of History

Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This is a collection of essays on current questions of historiography, illustrated with reference to Islamic historiography. The main concerns are conceptions of time and temporality, the uses of the past, historical periodisation, historical categorisation, and the constitution of historical objects, not least those called "civilisation" and "Islam". One of the aims of the book is to apply to Islamic materials the standard conceptual equipment used in historical study, and to exercise a large-scale comparativist outlook.
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Aziz Al-Azmeh

Aziz al-Azmeh is Distinguished Professor at the Central European University, Budapest.