CEU Press

Introduction: The Resilience of the Apocalyptic
Part I: Perspectives
The Varieties of Millennial Experience
Richard Landes
Apocalyptic Violence
Klaus Vondung
The Psychology of Apocalypticism
Charles B. Strozier and Katharine Boyd
Part II: The Middle Ages
The Chained Messiah: The Taming of the Apocalyptic Complex in Jewish Mystical Eschatology
Moshe Idel
God’s Chronography and Dissipative Time
Aziz Al-Azmeh
Christendom, Crusade, and the End of Days: The Dream of World Conversion (1099–1274)
Brett Edward Whalen
From the Last Emperor to the Sleeping Emperor
Petre Guran
Part III: Transformations
Radical Hopes: Apocalyptic Longing in Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Michael Allen Gillespie
Political Religions, Apocalypticism, and the End of History: Some Considerations
Marina Cattaruzza
Eve’s Last Dream
David Marno
Part IV: Persistence
Ukrainian Millennialism: A Historical Overview
Lilya Berezhnaya
“His Dark Materials.” The Early Apocalypticism of Enoch Recycled in Modern and Postmodern Times
György E. Szönyi
Abu Musa‘b Al-Suri and Abu Musa‘b Al-Zarqawi: The Apocalyptic Theorist and the Apocalyptic Practitioner
David Cook
László-Attila Hubbes
Appendix I: Elements of Online Apocalypticism
Appendix II: Select Bibliography for the Study of Apocalypticism
David Marno is assistant professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley.
Matthias Riedl is associate professor and the head of the history department at Central European University.
Nadia Al-Bagdadi is Professor of History at Central European University, Budapest, founding director of the Center for Religious Studies and since 2015 Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies, CEU.