The Sanctity of the Leaders
The Sanctity of the Leaders
Holy Kings, Princes, Bishops and Abbots from Central Europe (11th to 13th Centuries)
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15.2 x 22.9 cm
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Hagiography in Central Europe in the Central Middle Ages
Gábor Klaniczay

I. Saint Stephen of Hungary
Gábor Thoroczkay

Vita Sancti Stephani regis (Legenda maior) / Life of King Saint Stephen (Major legend)
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

Vita et actus Sancti Stephani regis Pannoniorum (Legenda minor) / Life and Deeds of Saint Stephen, King of the Pannonians (Minor legend)
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

Legenda S. Stephani regis ab Hartvico episcopo conscripta / Life of King St. Stephen written by Bishop Hartvic
(transl. Nora Berend and Cristian Gaşpar)

II. Saint Emeric
Gábor Bradács

Legenda Sancti Emerici ducis / Life of Saint Emeric the Duke
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

III. Saint Gerard
Cristian Gaşpar

Passio beatissimi Gerardi (Legenda minor) / Passion of the Most Blessed Gerard (Minor legend)
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

De Sancto Gerhardo episcopo Morosenensi et martyre regni Ungariae / On Saint Gerard, bishop of Marosvár and martyr of the Kingdom of Hungary
(transl. János M. Bak

IV. Saint Procop of Sázava
Petr Sommer

Vita sancti Procopii minor / Life of Saint Procopius
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

V. Saint Ladislaus of Hungary
Gábor Klaniczay

De Sancto Ladizlao rege Ungarie / Concerning Saint Ladislaus, King of Hungary
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar

VI. Saint John of Trogir
Ana Marinković

Vita S. Joannis episcopi Traguriensis / Life of St John Bishop of Trogir
(transl. Marina Miladinov)

VII. Saint Stanislaus of Cracow
Stanislava Kuzmová

Vita Sancti Stanislai Episcopi Cracoviensis / On Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
(transl. Cristian Gaşpar)

Select Bibliography
Select Hagiography of the Saints of this Volume
St. Stephen
St. Emeric
St. Gerard
St. Procopius
St. Ladislaus
St. John of Trogir
St. Stanislaus

Contributors to the Volume

Gábor Klaniczay, Ildikó Csepregi (red.)

The Sanctity of the Leaders

Holy Kings, Princes, Bishops and Abbots from Central Europe (11th to 13th Centuries)

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.

The latest title in the Central European Medieval Texts series contains the lives of saints who were canonized in the eleventh through thirteenth centuries in the newly Christianized countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and Dalmatia). A rejoinder to the earlier volume in the series, the Saints of the Christianization Age of Central Europe (CEMT, Vol. 6), containing hermits, missionaries, and martyrs, this second volume of hagiography is dominated by political or ecclesiastical leaders who became saintly patrons of their region and were highly venerated throughout the Middle Ages.

The legends in the volume present the two Hungarian holy kings Stephen and Ladislas, the holy duke Emeric, the Czech holy abbot Prokop of Sázava, three bishops, the Venetian-Hungarian Gellért of Csanád, the Polish Stanislas of Cracow (both martyrs), and the Dalmatian holy bishop Saint John of Trogir. Each “vita” is published in Latin original with an English translation and with prefaces discussing the textual tradition.

Saints’ lives have been recognized as an invaluable source of information on social and economic history, the history of mentalities and everyday life, cultural history, and, above all, as a special genre with crucial importance and prevalence in medieval literature.


Gábor Klaniczay

Gábor Klaniczay is University Professor of Medieval Studies at the Central European University.

Ildikó Csepregi

Ildikó Csepregi is a historian of religion, trained as a classicist and medievalist at CEU.