CEU Press

Chapter 1. Toribia del Val and the Mysterious Wayfarer of Casas de Benítez
Chapter 2. Images as Beings: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Chapter 3. Presence, Absence, and the Supernatural in Postcard and Family Photographs, Europe 1895–1920
Visions Depicted
Connecting with the Absent and the Supernaturals
Supernaturals and the Absent in World War I Postcards
Absence in Family Photographs around World War I
Chapter 4. Juxtapositions: Saints, Humans, Animals in Spanish Fiestas; with Photographs by Cristina García Rodero
People Touching Saints
People Touching Animals
Crossing the Boundaries: Images as People / People as Images
Animals as Humans / Humans as Animals
Images and Animals
Summing Up
List of Figures
William A. Christian Jr. is an anthropologist and historian living in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.