Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution
Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution
Kursk Province, 1905-1906
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Preface and acknowledgments Introduction I – Kursk Province on the Eve of the Revolution II – 1905 in the Rural Districts of Kursk Province III – Rural Disorders in Spring-Summer 1906 IV – Typology, Chronology and Geographical Distributions of Rural Disorders, 1905-1906 V – The Villages That Revolted Conclusions Appendix A: Correlation tables to Chapter V Appendix B: Village listing Bibliography

Burton Richard Miller

Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution

Kursk Province, 1905-1906

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The narrative of peasant unrest in Russia during 1905–1906 combines a chronology of incidents drawn from official documents, with close analysis of the villages associated with the disorders based upon detailed census materials compiled by local specialists. The analysis concentrates on a single province: Kursk Oblast, bordering the now independent Ukraine. In place of the general surveys of the revolution that dominate the literature, Miller focuses on local events and the rural populations that participated in them. Documents the degree to which the peasant community had been pushed onto the path of change by the end of the nineteenth century, how much the “peasantry” itself had become increasingly heterogeneous in outlook and occupation, and the rapidity with which these processes had begun to corrode the legitimacy of the older order. Miller concludes that unrest was concentrated mostly among peasant communities for whom the benefits the vital interactions between social unequals that had maintained a fragile social peace in the countryside had been radically eroded; he furthermore identifies the prominent role played by that spectrum of persons that retained their ties to their villages, but stood toward the margins of rural life.
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Burton Richard Miller

Burton Richard Miller is a research analyst living in New York.