1. Introduction: Juliet Pietsch and Marshall Clark, Australian National University (ANU)
2. Migration and integration policies in Europe: Domestic and regional frameworks (Juliet Pietsch, ANU)
3. New patterns of European migration: A broad view from a multidisciplinary perspective (Pawe? Kaczmarczyk, Magdalena Lesi?ska, Marek Okólski, University of Warsaw)
4. To what extent does European cross-border-cooperation promote more integration? (Elisabetta Nadalutti, ANU)
Southeast Asia
5. Democratization, regional integration and migrant worker flows: Indonesia and Malaysia compared (Marshall Clark, ANU)
6. Malaysia and Thailand's migrant labour quandary: are repatriation, regularization, and RELA the only feasible solutions? (Prof. Amarjit Kaur, University of New England)
7. The backwards-and-forwards of Myanmar migration (Nicholas Farrelly, ANU)
8. Transit migrants in Indonesia: Mobility, human rights and everyday life realities (Antje Missbach, University of Melbourne)
9. Abrogating human rights responsibilities at home and abroad: Australia and its near-neighbours (Prof. Linda Briskman, Swinburne University of Technology & Victoria Mason, ANU)
10. Courting disaster? Refugees and regionalism through the eyes of the judiciary (Prof. Penelope Mathew, ANU)
11. Indonesian migrant labour in the Australian fishing industry: A 'development-friendly' response to Australia's maritime border issues (Marshall Clark, ANU & Dedi Adhuri, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, LIPI)