Bruno Boute, Andreea Badea, Marco Cavarzere, and Steven Vanden Broecke: A Product's Glamour: Credibility, or the Manufacture and Administration of Truth in Early Modern Catholicism
1. Rudolf Schuessler: Scholastic Approaches to Reasonable Disagreement
2. Marco Cavarzere: Regulating the Credibility of Non-Christians. Oaths on False Gods and Seventeenth-Century Casuistry
3. Steven Vanden Broecke: How to be a Catholic Copernican in the Southern Netherlands
4. Brendan Röder: Appearance and Essence. Speaking the Truth about the Body in the Early Modern Catholic Church
5. Bruno Boute: Saving Truth. Roman Censorship and Catholic Pluralization in the Confessionals of the Habsburg Netherlands, 1682-1686
6. Birgit Emich: The Production of Truth in the Manufacture of Saints: Procedures, Credibility, and Patronage in Early Modern Processes of Canonization
7. Andreea Badea: Credibility of the Past. Writing and Censoring History within Seventeenth-Century Catholicism
8. Leen Spruit: Heresy and Error in the Assessment of Modern Philosophical Psychology
9. Maria Pia Donato: Modern Philosophy and Ancient Heresies: New Wine in Old Bottles?
10. Vittoria Fiorelli: Experiences are not a Successful Accompaniment toward the Knowledge of the Truth.' The Trial of the Atheists in Late Seventeenth-Century Naples
11. Cecilia Cristellon: Choosing Information, Selecting Truth. The Roman Congregations, the Benedictine Declaration, and the Establishment of Religious Pluralism
12. Rivka Feldhay: Disciplining the Sciences in Conflict Zones. Pre-Classical Mechanics between the Sovereign State and the Reformed Catholic Religion