List of figures
Foreword: From Occupy Climate Change! to Confronting Loss and Damage - David Naguib Pellow
1. Occupy Climate Change: An introduction -
Marco Armiero, Salvatore Paolo De Rosa, and Ethemcan Turhan
2. Hope in something: An earthly tragedy in five acts -
Vanesa Castán Broto
3. Struggles for democratic decarbonization: Lessons from New York City - Ashley Dawson
4. Disobey, block, organize: The politics and strategies of grassroots climate activism in Malmö and Sweden - Salvatore Paolo De Rosa
5. Catalyzing transformational action for climate change adaptation: The Ala Wai management plan in Honolulu, U.S.A. - Valentine Huet
6. Turning urban fragilities into resources for a just climate governance - Gilda Berruti and Maria Federica Palestino
7. Narratives on Babylon Hill: Exploring the making of a community and its urban forest through oral and environmental history (1985-2015) - Lise Sedrez and Natasha Augusto Barbosa
8. Repositioning marginal spaces in climate adaptation: Periphery, power and possibility - Karen Paiva Henrique
9. Immigrant communities in Europe as situated knowledge-holders for postcolonial and feminist urban adaptation to climate health risks - Panagiota Kotsila
10. Small towns facing big problems: Sustainable development, social choice and the challenge of local-level organizing for the environment Insights from Flagler Beach, U.S.A. - Chad Boda
11. Practices of resilience: questioning urban adaptation in the Chilean social upsurge - Cristina Visconti
12. A user manual for just cities? - Aurash Khawarzad