Being a Slave
Being a Slave
Histories and Legacies of European Slavery in the Indian Ocean
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Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Paperback - € 64,00
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Table of contents
Francoise Verges: Foreword
Alicia Schrikker and Nira Wickramasinghe: Introduction: enslaved in the Indian Ocean, 1700–1850
Part I Entwined histories: enslavement, indenture, emancipation
Yvette Christianse: At Sea in the Archive: Slavery, Indenture, and the Indian Ocean.
Marina Carter: Slavery, Ethnicity and Identity in the Eighteenth century Isle de France.
Pamela Scully: Rituals of Rule: Infanticide and the Humanitarian Sentiment.
Paul Bijl: Writing Human Equality: The Figure of the “Friend-Reader” in Wange van Balie’s
Memories of the Courses of Life.
Part II Narrating through the archive: mobility, relations, emotions
Herman Tieken: Small-scale slave trade between Ceylon and the Cape from 1728 to 1737.
Alexander Geelen, Bram van den Hout, Merve Tosun, Mike de Windt, Matthias van Rossum: Between markets and chains. An exploration of enslaved experiences, mobility and control in
eighteenth century Southwest India.
Kate Ekama: Connected lives in Colombo: Kinship, commercial and criminal ties between enslaved and free people in a VOC port city
Lodewijk Wagenaar: Boenga van Johor, ‘My forced journey from Batavia to the Cape of Good Hope.
Part III: Memories, representations
Annemarieke van der Wal: Slave Songs at the Cape: Diaspora Memory and Creolization in Colonial South Africa
Sarah Longair: The materiality of Indian Ocean slavery: the challenges of presence and absence
Guno Jones: The Shadows of (Public) Recognition: Transatlantic Slavery and Indian Ocean
Slavery in Dutch Historiography and Public Culture
Robert Ross: Afterword

Alicia Schrikker, Nira Wickramasinghe (red.)

Being a Slave

Histories and Legacies of European Slavery in the Indian Ocean

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This multidisciplinary volume brings together scholars and writers who try to come to terms with the histories and legacies of European slavery in the Indian Ocean. The volume discusses a variety of qualitative data on the experience of being a slave in order to recover ordinary lives and, crucially, to place this experience in its Asian local context. Building on the rich scholarship on the slave trade, this volume offers a unique perspective that embraces the origin and afterlife of enslavement as well as the imaginaries and representations of slaves rather than the trade in slaves itself.
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Alicia Schrikker

Alicia Schrikker is Senior Lecturer in colonial and global history at Leiden University. She works on everyday colonialism in the Indian Ocean throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, through a focus on sites and moments of exchange and interaction.

Nira Wickramasinghe

Nira Wickramasinghe is Professor of Modern South Asian Studies at Leiden University. She has published on a range of topics, including identity politics, colonial society and slavery in Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean world. Her most recent publication is Slave in a Palanquin. Colonial Servitude and Resistance in Sri Lanka (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).