Seeing the City
Seeing the City
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Study of the Urban
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Aantal pagina's
17 x 24 x 1.8 cm
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Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
1 Introduction - Nanke Verloo and Luca Bertolini
2 Quantitative data collection: A meta view - Willem Boterman
3 Urban ethnography and participant observations: Studying the city from within - Nanke Verloo
4 Sensing the city through new forms of urban data - Achilleas Psyllidis
5 Interviewing in urban research - Fenne M. Pinkster
6 Digging in the crates: Archival research and historical primary sources - Tim Verlaan
7 Reading spaces: A cultural analysis approach - Daan Wesselman
8 The practice of institutional analysis in urban contexts - Federico Savini
9 Household preferences and hedonic pricing - Hans R.A. Koster and Jan Rouwendal
10 Urban research in another dimension: methods for modelling historical cities - Claartje Rasterhoff
11 Mapping the city: Geographic Information Systems and science in urban research - Rowan Arundel
12 Methods for studying urban biodiversity - Gerard Oostermeijer
13 Action research in the city: developing collaborative governance arrangements for the urban commons - Joachim Meerkerk and Stan Majoor
14 Streetlabs as a co-creative approach to Research Through Design - STBY (Nina Stegeman, Geke van Dijk, Bas Raijmakers)
15 Too many cities in the city? Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary city research methods and the challenge of integration - Machiel Keestra and Nanke Verloo
16 Exploring city science - Caroline Nevejan
17 Conclusions - Luca Bertolini and Nanke Verloo
List of contributors

Nanke Verloo, Luca Bertolini (red.)

Seeing the City

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Study of the Urban

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The city is a complex object. Some researchers look at its shape, others at its people, animals, ecology, policy, infrastructures, buildings, history, art, or technical networks. Some researchers analyse processes of in- or exclusion, gentrification, or social mobility; others biological evolution, traffic flows, or spatial development. Many combine these topics or add still more topics beyond this list. Some projects cross the boundaries of research and practice and engage in action research, while others pursue knowledge for the sake of curiosity. This volume embraces this variety of perspectives and provides an essential collection of methodologies for studying the city from multiple, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. We start by recognizing that the complexity of the urban environment cannot be understood from a single vantage point. We therefore offer multiple methodologies in order to gather and analyse data about the city, and provide ways to connect and integrate these approaches.

The contributors form a talented network of urban scholars and practitioners at the forefront of their fields. They offer hands-on methodological techniques and skills for data collection and analysis. Furthermore, they reveal honest and insightful reflections from behind the scenes. All methodologies are illustrated with examples drawn from the authors own research applying them in the city of Amsterdam. In this way, the volume also offers a rich collection of Amsterdam-based research and outcomes that may inform local urban practitioners and policy makers.

Altogether, the volume offers indispensable tools for and aims to educate a new generation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary-minded urban scholars and practitioners.

Nanke Verloo

Nanke Verloo is Assistant Professor in Urban Planning and Conflict at the Department of Human Geography of the University of Amsterdam.

Luca Bertolini

Luca Bertolini is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning and Director of the Centre for Urban Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

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