The Oldest Legend

Bence Péterfi, Ildikó Csepregi, Gábor Klaniczay (red.)
The Oldest Legend
Acts of the Canonization Process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary
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I. Introduction: Saint Margaret—Royal and Female Sanctity
Gábor Klaniczay
Preface: The Formation of the Texts Recording Margaret’s Miracles
Ildikó Csepregi 

II. Legenda Vetus – The Oldest Legend
Vita eatae Margaritae de Hungaria – Life of the Blessed Margaret of Hungary ca. 1273–1275

III. Acts of the Canonization Process
Inquisitio super vita, conversatione et miraculis beatae Margarethae virginis—Inquisition on the life, behavior and miracles of the blessed virgin Margaret 26 June–12 October 1276

IV. Correspondence Relating to Margaret’s Medieval Canonization Attempts
Introduction: The survival of the sources
Bence Péterfi
1 Mandate of Pope Gregory X Ordering the Examination of Margaret’s Miracles [May 4, 1272]
2 Mandate of Pope Innocent V to the CanonsUmberto Bianchi and de la Corra [May 14, 1276]
3 Mandate of Pope Innocent V to the Canons Umberto Bianchi and de la Corra [May 25, 1276]
4 Letter from Umberto Bianchi and de la Corra to Pope John XXI [ca. 1276]
5 Letter of Rudolf of Habsburg, King of the Romans to the Pope [1277]
6 Petition of Emeric, Bishop of Várad, to the Holy See [ca. 1305–1314]
7 Mandate of Pope Urban VI for a New Inquest on Margaret of Hungary[June 1, 1379]
8 Letter of King Mathias to Pope Pius II [1462–1464]
9 Letter of King Matthias to the collegium of Cardinals [1462–1464]

V. A New Series of Miracles at the Tomb of Blessed Margaret
Introduction to the Charters
Bence Péterfi
1–11 Charters of the Chapter of Buda, 1460–1467

Select Bibliography
Select Hagiography of Saint Margaret of Hungary
Index of Proper Names
Index of Places

The Oldest Legend

Acts of the Canonization Process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This bilingual volume (Latin text with English translation) is the second in the series presenting hagiographical narratives from medieval Central Europe. It contains the most important hagiographical corpus of medieval Hungarian history: that of Saint Margaret (1242–1270), daughter of King Béla IV, who lived her life as a Dominican nun. Margaret’s cult started immediately after her death and the demand to examine her sanctity was first formulated in 1272. The canonization process recommenced in 1276, followed by further initiatives across the centuries. Margaret was eventually canonized only in 1943. Besides the full Latin text and the English translation of her oldest legend, written between 1272 and 1275, this volume contains the acts of the 110 testimonies of the papal investigation concerning her sainthood, recorded between July and October 1276 and prepared from existing source editions. In addition, the editors include a series of recently discovered documents, including a petition by the bishop of Várad (Oradea) to promote the cause, and the notarial records of a set of miracles that occurred at Margaret's grave in the second half of the fifteenth century. The annotated bilingual text is complemented by a select bibliography on Saint Margaret and her hagiography.
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Bence Péterfi

Bence Péterfi is researcher at the Institute of History at the Research center of the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Ildikó Csepregi

Ildikó Csepregi is a historian of religion, trained as a classicist and medievalist at CEU.

Gábor Klaniczay

Gábor Klaniczay is University Professor of Medieval Studies at the Central European University.