CEU Press

Urszula Chowaniec
How to Read the Book
PART I. A Personal Voice
Chapter 1. Mr Kaczyński, The Guardian and Me
Chapter 2. At Her Majesty’s Service!
PART II. An Academic Voice
Chapter 3. Modern Poland’s Political Blocs
Chapter 4. Post-Post-Colonial?
Chapter 5. The Confused Hopes of ‘Civil Society’
Chapter 6. Class Struggles
Chapter 7. An Imported Middle Class
PART III. A Reporter’s Voice
Chapter 8. Election-Year Issues
Playing the Race Card
When a Man Loves a Woman
Don't Shoot the Messenger!
Still the Economy, Stupid!
History: War and PiS
Brussels and Death
Culture: Reaching for the Revolver
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
PART IV. A Lay Voice
Chapter 9. Diary of British Media Coverage of the October 2019 Parliamentary Election
Part 1. Floating Frames
Part 2. “Some Losers”
Part 3. Post-Mortem
Chapter 10. Hiatus—The Election that Wasn’t, May 2020
Chapter 11. Diary of British Media Coverage of the June 2020 Presidential Elections
Part 1. Britain’s Centrist Media Picks its Polish Horse
Part 2. Round Two
Chapter 12. Synthesis: Finding a Voice Between the Sublime and the Ridiculous
Written by a Brit who has lived in Poland for more than twenty years, this book challenges some accepted thinking in the West about Poland and about the rise of Law and Justice (PiS) as the ruling party in 2015. It is a remarkable account of the Polish post-1989 transition and contemporary politics, combining personal views and experience with careful fact and material collections. The result is a vivid description of the events and scrupulous explanations of the political processes, and all this with an interesting twist – a perspective of a foreigner and insider at the same time. Settled in the position of participant observer, Jo Harper combines the methods of macro and micro analysis with CDA, critical discourse analysis. He presents and interprets the constituent elements and issues of contemporary Poland: the main political forces, the Church, the media, issues of gender, the Russian connection, the much-disputed judicial reform and many others.
A special feature of the book is the detailed examination of the coverage of the Poland’s latest two elections, one in 2019 (parliamentary) and the other in 2020 (presidential) in the British media, an insightful and witty specimen of comparative cultural and political analysis.
Jo Harper is a freelance British journalist based in Warsaw, writing for the BBC, Politico, Deutsche Welle and others. He is editor of Poland’s Memory Wars: Essays on Illiberalism (CEU Press, 2018) on the rise of PiS, and holds a PhD from the London School of Economics on Polish political history.