On the Verge of Convergence

Henryk Domanski
On the Verge of Convergence
Social Stratification in Eastern Europe
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Introduction. Chapter 1: Peasant societies - market societies? The touch of modernization Chapter 2: Social mobility rates and patterns: Basic continuity Chapter 3: Economic stratification: Similarities, differences and emerging change Chapter 4: The debate on owners: Nomenklatura or self-recruitment? Chapter 5: Distribution of incomes Chapter 6: Culture and lifestyle Chapter 7: Religion - a stage on the road to modernization Conclusion Appendix References

Henryk Domanski

On the Verge of Convergence

Social Stratification in Eastern Europe

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Based on comparative surveys, the author presents a study of social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Focusing on Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Slovakia, the author provides information relating to social structure, mobility, inequality, lifestyle and economic stratification. Applying the Erikson-Goldthorpe classification of class positions, Domanski effectively presents fully comparable data to enable political comparisons to be made with other countries, especially those with firmly established free market economies. As such, "On the Verge of Convergence" seeks to provide a clearer understanding of the on-going process of social transformation within developing capitalist societies.
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Henryk Domanski

Henryk Domanski is Professor of Sociology in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology in Polish Academy of Sciences and Head of the Department of Social Structure Research and Department of Studies on Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research.