Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transintion

Norman Lee, Edward G. Bellinger, Clive George, Anca Paduret (red.)
Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transintion
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PARTICIPANTS AND ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS 1. Introduction . Part I INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IN COUNTRIES IN TRANSITION 1. Environmental Assessment: Nature, Scope and Historical Development 2. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Former Soviet Union in Its Historical Context Part II COUNTRY STUDIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT LEGISLATION AND PRACTICE 1. Establishing Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Through the Environmental Assessment Act in Armenia 2. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Republic of Belarus 3. Environmental Impact Assessment in Bulgaria 4. Environmental Impact Assessment in Croatia 5. Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation in the Czech Republic 6. Upgrading Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures in Estonia 7. Environmental Impact Assessment Implementation in Hungary 8. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Republic of Kazakhstan 9. Environmental Impact Assessment in Latvia 10. Environmental Impact Assessment in Lithuania 11. Environmental Impact Assessment in Moldova 12. Environmental Impact Assessment Implementation in Montenegro 13. Environmental Impact Assessment in Poland 14. Environmental Impact Assessment in Romania 15. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Russian Federation 16. Environmental Impact Assessment in Serbia 17. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Slovak Republic . 18. Environmental Impact Assessment in Slovenia 19. Environmental Impact Assessment in Ukraine: History and Recent Developments 20. Comparison and Evaluation of EIA Systems in Countries in Transition Part III SOME LEADING ISSUES: WORKSHOP GROUP FINDINGS Workshop 1: Responsibility / Authority For Carrying Out EIAs Workshop 2: Enforcement of EIA Legislation and Regulations Workshop 3: Quality Control of the EIA Process Workshop 4: Effectiveness of EIA As a Tool of Environmental Planning and Environmental Management Workshop 5: Integrating EIA into Planning and Decision Making Workshop 6: Integration of Cost Benefit Analysis and EIA Workshop 7: How to Integrate Social, Health and Risk Assessment into EIA Workshop 8: Linkages between EIA and Other Environmental Legislation Workshop 9: Consultation and Public Participation Workshop 10: Determining The Significance of Impacts Workshop 11: Strategic Environmental Assessment Workshop 12: Training for EIA and SEA Part IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Appendix. Use of Models in EIA

Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transintion

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The countries included in this study on the regulations and practices relating environmental assessment are Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Each country study has been prepared by specialists from within the country concerned. This study will be of interest to EA practitioners in public administration; development and consultant organizations; training and educational and research institutes; and international and bilateral aid agencies. Project level EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and, to a lesser extent, SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) for planning and other strategic-level actions have been, or are being, introduced in the great majority of countries in transition (CIT). As yet, however, most of the countries have only limited experience in formulating "state of the art" EIA regulations and applying them satisfactorily. Furthermore, such experiences in CITs that do exist are not yet sufficiently well documented and widely disseminated. This report should be of considerable value in helping strengthen EA regulation and practice in the region.
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Edward G. Bellinger

Edward G. Bellinger was Head of Environmental Sciences Department at the Central European University, Budapest,