The Gratis Economy

András Kelen
The Gratis Economy
Privately Provided Public Goods
€ 159,00 excl. BTW
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Preface Theses to Announce the Concept of Gratis Economy The Main Drivers of the Gratis Economy Description of the Ensuing Chapters Essay I: THE TRADITIONAL GRATIS ECONOMY—UNCHARTED FACES OF PRO BONO WORK 1. The Social Basis of Volunteering Liturgies as the Generalisation of Volunteering The Heritage of Volunteering in Antiquity Condescending Medieval Charity Enthusiastic Messianism: The Central–East European Socialist Experience in Volunteering Modern Applications of the Generalised Notion of Volunteering Loci Classici on Liturgic Associations Military Service as Liturgic Duty Involuntary Labour Service: Labour Battalions in W.W.II Classical Fields of Volunteering—the Receding Gratis Economy The Professionalisation of Sports Laity in Office Holding Granting of Commercial Exposure for Sponsors by Non-profits Essay II: THE VIRTUAL FACES OF THE GRATIS ECONOMY—BUSINESS OPERATED SIZZLING GRATUITIES 2. Free of Charge, Except for Advertising Technology Bringing Forth the Banner Model of Advertising Banners at Wish New Browser against Pop-up Advertising Suppressors, Filters Bandwidth-adaptive Adverstising We-pay-you Advertising Deep Linking Ad Serving Publishing Site using Side Model Ad Server Third-party Ad Server Using Network Model Ad Serving Solutions A Counting Methodology for Third-party Ad Servers in a Proxy Server Setting Online Business’ Comparative Advantage as to Timing Validation and Visibility of Business Communication in Cyberspace 3 Free of Charge, Except for Commodifying Privacy Between the Right to Traceability and Anonimity The Two Drivers Coinciding—Privacy Predicted Targeting Tools Conclusion: Policy Deliberations Predictive Profiling 4. Gratuities Embedded in Business Processes The Setting of the Exposure Threshold Between Profitability and Breaking Even—Content Provisions as a Non-profict Endeavour Web Targeting at The New York Times Grants Economics, Gift Economics Gratis Models Conclusions Essay III: THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN THE GRATIS ECONOMY—GRATUITIES GENERATED PY POLITY 5. The State-run Gratis Economy Collective Goods Full Public Assistance to the Price of Pharmaceuticals Cutting Edge Research: The Human Genome Project Toward the Wireless Internet—Universal Mobile Telecommmunications Services (UMTS) in the European Union Patterns of Time Release in the Economy 6. The Informational Commons The Intellectual Property/Wide Access Trade-off Alternatives to Intellectual Property—Non-proprietary Software Developers Bites out of the Gratis Economy Conclusions: Policy Deliberations 7. Typology of Business Intrusions That Cry for Political Remedy Software Spying on Its User The ”If it’s Legal, Someone Will Do It” Assault Threatening Free Speech The Intricacy of Data Commerce—Corporate Governance Standing up to Excesses Possible Outcomes of Privacy Regulations Casuistry Grassroots Influencing Regulation 8. Toward the Demise of Mass Culture in Cyberspace One-to-One Targeting Space-shifting Peer-to-Peer Sharing Peer-to Peer in Terms of Sociology ”Gentle Money”: Community-level Clearinghouses and Marketplaces The Design of Gentle Money Scenario of Gentle Employment Implications for Broad Public Policy Literature Surveys and Reports References Advertising-related Sites Privacy-related Sites Targeting-related Sites Boxes Box 1. Underwriting as Opposed to Advertising Box 2. The Archetype of Distracting Advertisement: The Sponsored Version of Eudora Box 3. The Internet as Source of Information Box 4. ”Belgian Attitude Survey” Box 5. ”Methods That Can Help a Business Get to the Top of the Search Listings” Box 6. ”The Way Marketing Specialists Think about Clean Opt-in Box 7. ”NCR Corporation’s Survey on Privacy Considerations in Europe” Box 8. Site Tracking Box 9. Profiling Technics Box 10.”DirectHit” Box 11. Gallup Poll Release on the Extent of Privacy Fears Box 12. Human Resources Practices with Marks & Spencer Box 13. Exceptions to the American Model of Free Public Sector Information Box 14. The Hacking of ....

András Kelen

The Gratis Economy

Privately Provided Public Goods

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
A work in the relatively new field of economic sociology, this highly unconventional book deals with the logics of toll-free services and generalizes the notion of voluntary work toward encompassing everything that can be obtained free of charge in the world. The author claims that the publicity-driven gratis economy -– perhaps the greatest wealth-creator in history -– is integrating into the conventional non-profit sector. Kelen’s exploration of the gratis economy covers the three basic institutional sectors: nonprofit/voluntary, business and government. The ‘New Economy’ offers a wide range of services seemingly for free, but the costs are still supposed to be borne by some actors of the economy. The message of the book is very important: the motives of the gratis giving of goods or services can always be identified and could be explained either by ‘motivated giving’ or by ‘hidden marketing’. These motives often lie outside of the scope of traditional economics and may have strong political, sociological and/or psychological connotations. The Gratis Economy will be of interest to professors and students of applied economics and business schools, sociologists, to the e-business community, marketing practitioners, webspinners, infonauts, netizens, software developers and decision-makers of electronic media.

András Kelen

András Kelen is Professor at the Department of Social Studies, Budapest College of Management.