Post-Communist Restitution and the Rule of Law

Csongor Kuti
Post-Communist Restitution and the Rule of Law
€ 141,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Introduction; Chapter I: Theories of Property Classical theories Neoclassical theories Nozick’s theory of entitlement Derivation from justice: John Rawl’s theory Practical applications Conclusions Chapter II: Justice and Reparation Justice and the rule of law The context Property (re)distribution Aspects of justice Forms of reparations Fundamental problems The wolf, the goat and the cabbage Chapter III: The Rule of Law, Equality and Limited Restitution Personal limitations: the citizenship and/or residency requirement Quantitative limitations Temporal limitations Property-based limitations Winners and losers of restitution; Chapter IV: The Rule of Law as the Law of (Restitution) Rules Quantifying reparations Timelines Proving the entitlement A footnote: the pitfalls of a formal solution: the case of Prince Hans-Adam II Conclusions Conclusions The current state of art On restitution On the rule of law Bibliography; Table of cases; Index

Csongor Kuti

Post-Communist Restitution and the Rule of Law

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Eastern European societies underwent large-scale deprivations of property by the authoritarian regimes, beginning after World War II, largely ending with the last waves of the kolkhoz movement in the early 1960s. Kuti examines property reparations that took place after 1989, from the perspective of constitutional justice, the rule of law, but also from the point of view of identity politics.

Csongor Kuti

Csongor Kuti (Central European University, LLM in Human Rights, 2003), Doctor of Law, 2007, also obtained his SJD in comparative constitutional law at CEU. Returning to Romania, he works as part time legal counsel at Janovics Jeno Foundation.