Preface and Acknowledgements
Foreword by Anatoly S. Chernyaev
Foreword by Jack F. Matlock, Jr.
Chronology of Events
“The Logic of 1989: The Soviet Peaceful Withdrawal from Eastern Europe”
by Svetlana Savranskaya
“U.S. Policy and the Revolutions of 1989”
by Thomas Blanton
Dialogue: The Musgrove Conference, May 1-3, 1998
Document No. 1:
Transcript of Mikhail Gorbachev’s Conference with CC CPSU Secretaries, March 15, 1985
Document No. 2:
Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev regarding the “Vladimirov” Article, July 5, 1985
Document No. 3:
Memorandum from Anatoly Chernyaev to Aleksandr Yakovlev on Germany and Eastern Europe, March 10, 1986
Document No. 4:
Speech by Mikhail Gorbachev to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 28, 1986
Document No. 5:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, June 13, 1986
Document No. 6:
Memorandum from Mikhail Gorbachev to the CC CPSU Politburo on Topical Questions regarding Collaboration with Socialist Countries, June 26, 1986
Document No. 7:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, July 3, 1986
Document No. 8:
Transcript of CC CPSU Politburo Session, November 13, 1986
Document No. 9:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, January 29, 1987
Document No. 10:
Proposal from Georgy Shakhnazarov to the CPSU for a Partial Soviet Troop Withdrawal from the CSSR, March 1987
Document No. 11:
Report on Mikhail Gorbachev’s Visit to Czechoslovakia, April 16, 1987
Document No. 12:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, May 8, 1987
Document No. 13:
Report on Mikhail Gorbachev’s Visit to Romania, June 4, 1987
Document No. 14:
Report on Eduard Shevardnadze’s Visits to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, July 9, 1987
Document No. 15:
State Department Intelligence and Research Report: “Economic Reform in the USSR and Eastern Europe,” September 16, 1987
Document No. 16:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, November 19, 1987
Document No. 17:
Memorandum from Robert Gates, “Gorbachev’s Gameplan: The Long View,” November 24, 1987
Document No. 18:
Telegram from Rozanne Ridgeway to All European Diplomatic Posts, “Eastern Europe: Invitation to the Dance,” December 1987
Document No. 19:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, March 10, 1988
Document No. 20:
Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Lazar Moisov, March 14, 1988
Document No. 21:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, March 24-25, 1988
Document No. 22:
Record of the Main Content of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Gustáv Husák, April 12, 1988
Document No. 23:
Record of the Main Content of a Telephone Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and János Kádár, May 19, 1988
Document No. 24:
Comments from Georgy Shakhnazarov on Viktor Kulikov’s Report at the Warsaw Treaty PCC, May 25, 1988
Document No. 25:
National Intelligence Estimate 11/12-9-88: “Soviet Policy toward Eastern Europe under Gorbachev,” May 1988
Document No. 26:
Notes of CC CPSU Politburo Session, June 20, 1988
Document No. 27:
Speech by Mikhail Gorbachev at a Dinner with Wojciech Jaruzelski, July 11, 1988
Document No. 28:
Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Józef Czyrek, September 23, 1988
Document No. 29:
Preparatory Notes from Georgy Shakhnazarov for Mikhail Gorbachev for CC CPSU Politburo Meeting, October 6, 1988
Document No. 30:
Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev regarding a Meeting between Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl, October 28, 1988
Document No. 31:
Notes of a Meeting between Mikhail Gorbachev and Foreign Policy Advisers, October 31, 1988
Document No. 32:
Summary of Conversations between Károly Grósz, János Berecz, Miklós Németh, Mátyás Szurös and Aleksandr Yakovlev, November 10-11, 1988
Document No. 33:
CIA Intelligence Assessment, “Gorbachev’s September Housecleaning: An Early Evaluation,” December 1988
Document No. 34:
Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev on the Situation in the Baltics, December 10, 1988
Document No. 35:
Transcript of CC CPSU Politburo Session, December 27-28, 1988
Document No. 36:
Record of Conversation between Aleksandr Yakovlev and ....