Open Access-Tage 2024

dinsdag 10 september 2024 - 02:00
Technische Hochschule, Köln, Germany

For the first time, AUP will attend the Open-Access-Tage (Open Access Days) 2024, the central annual conference on open access in German-speaking countries. This will take place in Cologne under the title "DEAL, Diamond and Beyond - Open Access between Sovereignty and Dependence" from the 10-12th September.

With this year's selection of topics, the programme committee will address the tension between sovereignty and dependence in the open access transformation, which arises from the contrasting developments between transformation contracts with large academic publishers on the one hand and the establishment and expansion of scholar-led publication models on the other. Read more about the conference programme here.

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More details to come about AUP's presence at the conference.

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