Philanthropy, Conflict Management and International LawStefan Troebst, Dietmar Müller (red.)Philanthropy, Conflict Management and International LawStefan Troebst, Dietmar Müller (red.)
Regionalism without RegionsOksana Myshlovska, Ulrich Schmid (red.)Regionalism without RegionsOksana Myshlovska, Ulrich Schmid (red.)
Expanding Intellectual PropertyAugusta DimouHannes Siegrist (red.)Expanding Intellectual PropertyAugusta DimouHannes Siegrist (red.)
Art beyond BordersJérôme Bazin, Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, Piotr Piotrowski (red.)Art beyond BordersJérôme Bazin, Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, Piotr Piotrowski (red.)