Aarti Kawlra, IIAS, the Netherlands
Philippe Peycam, IIAS, the Netherlands
Wendy Singer, Kenyon College, USA
Tharapi Than, Northern Illinois University, USA
Dzodzi Tsikata, University of Ghana, Ghana
Paul van der Velde, IIAS, The Netherlands
Françoise Vergès, France
The 'Humanities Across Borders' (HAB) book series aims to trigger discussions on the relevance of normative, top down, and institutionalised standards of knowledge production and transmission in the academy. As conventional models and modes of understanding lose their capacity to explain the human condition in the new global era, the multitude of voices, lives, locales, and journeys emerge as windows into the past and present to give a fresh, more expanded meaning to the Humanities.
Comprising monographs as well as edited volumes, the HAB book series focuses on methodological experiments and reflections across disciplinary, institutional, ideological, national, and sectoral borders. The series will: