Publication Research programme Independence, Decolonization, Violence, and War in Indonesia, 1945-1950

See all titles in one page HERE
The research program consists of various sub-studies and has resulted in twelve separate publications. Five of them will be released on February 17, 2022, the remaining seven will be released in the course of 2022, from April. A summary overview of the research program will be published under the title Beyond the Pale. Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949. This book contains the main findings and results of the sub-studies.
The publications appear both in print and in digital form (in Open Access) and are intended for both a scholarly audience and the general public. The overview work and four sub-studies will also be published in English. Beside that, three publications, including the overview work, will published in Indonesian, by Obor Publisher/Penerbit Obor.
The catalogue with all titles is now available here (in Dutch). The results of the research programme will be presented on Thursday February 17, 2022 during a meeting at the KNAW in Amsterdam.