Embracing Arms
Embracing Arms
Cultural Representation of Slavic and Balkan Women in War
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Dedication Acknowledgments Introduction I. WORLD WAR II Film and Television: Elzbieta Ostrowska Invisible Deaths: Polish Cinema’s Representation of Women in World War II Alexander Prokhorov She Defends His Motherland: The Myth of Mother Russia in Soviet Maternal Melodrama of the 1940s Tatiana Mikhailova and The Subjectivity of a Female War Veteran in Larisa Shepit’ko’s Mark Lipovetsky Wings (1966) Elena Prokhorova Gender(ed) Games: Romance, Slapstick, and Ideology in the Polish Television Series Four Tank Men and a Dog Literature, graphics, song,: Irina Sandomirskaja Rage, Body, and Power Talk in the City of Hunger: the Politics of Womanliness in Lidia Ginzburg’s Notes from the Siege of Leningrad Helena Goscilo Graphic Womanhood under Fire Robert Rothstein Songs of Women Warriors and Women Who Waited II. RECENT WARS Trina Mamoon “Black Widows”: Women as Political Combatants in the Chechen Conflict Yana Hashamova War Rape: (Re)defining Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Nationhood Jessica Wienhold-Brokish Dubravka Ugrešic’s War Museum: Approaching the “Point of Pain”

Yana Hashamova, Helena Goscilo (eds)

Embracing Arms

Cultural Representation of Slavic and Balkan Women in War

Discursive practices during war polarize and politicize gender: they normally require men to fulfill a single, overriding task—destroy the enemy—but impose a series of often contradictory expectations on women. The essays in the book establish links between political ideology, history, psychology, cultural studies, cinema, literature, and gender studies and addresses questions such as— what is the role of women in war or military conflicts beyond the well-studied victimization? Can the often contradictory expectations of women and their traditional roles be (re)thought and (re)constructed? How do cultural representations of women during war times reveal conflicting desires and poke holes in the ideological apparatus of the state and society?
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Yana Hashamova

Yana Hashamova is Professor of Slavic and Chair of the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at Ohio State University.

Helena Goscilo

Helena Goscilo is Professor of Slavic and Chair of the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures at the Ohio State University, Columbus.