Table of Contents - 6
Acknowledgements - 8
Figures and tables - 10
Chapter 1. Opening the black box - 12
1. Introduction - 12
2. Why study governments in the EU? - 13
3. About definitions and scope - 18
4. Organisation of the book - 25
Chapter 2. Governments in European integration theory - 28
1. A tale of two why-questions - 28
2. Neofunctionalism - 29
3. Intergovernmentalism - 36
4. Discussion - 41
Chapter 3. Governments in the theoretical new Europe - 44
1. Introduction - 44
2. Integration theory on the move from ‘why’ to ‘how’ - 44
3. Multi-level governance: the messy state - 46
4. How Europe hits home: studies of Europeanisation - 50
5. A new ‘opportunity-structure’ for national governments - 57
6. Discussion - 69
Chapter 4. Designing a framework for analysis - 72
1. Introduction - 72
2. Relevant variables: a literature review - 73
3. Fitting variables into a framework - 78
4. Discussion - 97
Chapter 5. How the Netherlands shapes EU-policy - 106
1. Introduction - 106
2. Stable core values in the Netherlands’ EU policy - 107
3. The growing doubts of a founding father - 111
4. The shaping potential of the Dutch government - 114
5. Relevant developments in the 1990s - 118
6. Discussion - 121
Chapter 6. Research design for the case-studies - 126
1. Introduction - 126
2. In search of a research method - 126
3. Intensive process tracing and analysis - 130
4. Sources and methods of data collection - 138
Chapter 7. Shaping the Gas Directive - 142
1. Introduction - 142
2. The decision context: backgrounds - 143
3. Identifying key actors - 145
4. A bird’s eye view on the decision-making process - 152
5. Reconstructing negotiations around key issues - 157
6. A reconstruction of Dutch shaping attempts - 164
7. Discussion - 170
Chapter 8. Shaping the Biopatent Directive - 176
1. Introduction - 176
2. The decision context: backgrounds - 177
3. Identifying key actors - 179
4. A bird’s eye view on the shaping process - 183
5. Reconstructing negotiations around key issues - 189
6. A reconstruction of Dutch shaping attempts - 194
7. Discussion - 200
Chapter 9. Discussion and Conclusions - 206
1. Introduction - 206
2. Discussing the Dutch government’s shaping capacity - 206
3. Confronting results with theory - 215
4. Avenues for further research - 222
5. To conclude - 229
References - 232
Appendix: The EU Policy Process in Brussels and The Hague - 248
Nederlandse samenvatting - 256
About the author - 264