The Architectonic of Philosophy
The Architectonic of Philosophy
Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz
€ 67,95 excl. VAT
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Preface - 6 Contents - 9 List of Figures - 12 Introduction: The Architectonic - 14 Ch.1: The Architectonic as Arché - 30 Ch.2: The Architectonic as Continuum - 82 Ch.3: The Architectonic as Labyrinth - 152 Ch.4: The Architectonic as Reticulum - 278 Bibliography - 293 Index - 335

Leslie Kavanaugh

The Architectonic of Philosophy

Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz

In the Architectonic of Philosophy Leslie Kavanaugh chose three 'architectonics', philosophical structures, to be examined more extensively. These are Plato's Chora, the continuum of Aristoteles and finally Leibniz's labyrinth.
The concept of the 'architectonic' is borrowed from Kant, albeit with differing intentions. Whereas the history of philosophy defines metaphysics as asking the question 'What is Being?'; here is asked 'Where is Being?' What is to be analysed is indeed part of the tradition of metaphysics to inquire about Being qua being, but here the inquery is into its structure, its position within the onthological whole. In doing this analyses, two points become explicit. One; Onthology has a structure; and two; the status of Being within this structure.

Leslie Kavanaugh

Leslie Kavanaugh is filosoof en architect. Ze promoveerde in de filosofie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en is nu als universitair docent verbonden aan de Faculteit der Bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit Delft. Kavanaugh publiceert regelmatig over onderwerpen die betrekking hebben op filosofie en de fenomenologie van de ruimte.