John Shattuck : Foreword
Péter Molnár: Introduction
Monroe Price: 1989, 2011, and Strategic Narratives
Four Dangers for Freedom of Expression and the Internet: An Interview with Frank La Rue by Péter Molnár
Freedom of Speech in the OSCE Countries: An Interview with Dunja Mijatovic by Péter Molnár
Miklós Haraszti: Revisiting the Three Europes: Diverging Landscapes of Media Freedom
Dirk Voorhoof: Freedom of Expression, Media and Journalism under the European Human Rights System: Characteristics, Developments, and Challenges
Catalina Botero Marino: Jurisprudential Advances and Persistent Challenges for Freedom of Expression in the Americas
Toby Mendel: The Right to Information in Latin America
Freedom of Speech and Access to Information in Africa: An Interview with Pansy Tlakula by Péter Molnár
Helen Darbishire: A Right Emerges: The History of the Right of Access to Information and Its Link with Freedom of Expression
Sandra Coliver: The Right to Information and the Expanding Scope of Bodies Covered by National Laws since 1989
Sejal Parmar: The Rabat Plan of Action: A Critical Turning Point in International Law on Hate Speech
Bernard Rorke: Free to Hate? Anti-Gypsyism in 21st-Century Europe
Josep Maria Carbonell and Joan Barata Mir: The Role of the Mass Media in the Spanish Transition to Democracy and Its Subsequent Consolidation .
Andrei Richter: Russia’s Supreme Court as Media Freedom Protector
Ezra Chiloba: Access to Information in Kenya: The Law and Practice Since 1991
Yared Legesse Mengistu: Freedom of Expression in Ferment: A Cursory Look at the Ethiopian Media Regime
Gilbert T. Andres: Philippines: Expanding the Contours of Free Speech in an Environment of Impunity against Journalists . . . . . . .
Rhonda Breit: The Fragile Complexity of Protecting Freedom of Speech in Australia 359
Mei Ning Yan: The Impact of New Media on Freedom of Expression in China and the Regulatory Responses
Sunil Abraham: Eavesdropping on the Freedom of Expression in India
Zeynep Alemdar: The “Turkish Model” of Freedom of Speech
Brenda F. Abdelall: Forging Ahead: A Contemporary Review of Egyptian Press and Media Laws
Abderrahim Chalfaouat: Media, Freedom of Expression and Democratization in Morocco
Richard N. Winfield and Janine Tien: The Danish Cartoons Controversy: Hate Speech Laws and Unintended Consequences
Asma T. Uddin: The UN Defamation of Religions Resolution and Domestic Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan: Creating a Culture of Impunity
Jeroen Temperman: A Right to Be Free from Religious Hatred? The Wilders Case in the Netherlands and Beyond
List of Contributors
Name Index
Subject Index