Academic Freedom

Michael Ignatieff, Stefan Roch (eds)
Academic Freedom
The Global Challenge
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13 x 20 cm
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Academic Freedom from Without and Within
Michael Ignatieff
Academic Freedom: The Tension Between the University and the State
Joan Wallach Scott

The Threat Without: State Practices and Barriers to Academic Freedom Around the World
Three Ideas of Academic Freedom
Liviu Matei
Academic Freedom in the UK, the Indian Subcontinent and Bangladesh
Nirmala Rao
Academic Freedom and Universities in Continental Europe
Helga Nowotny

The Threat within: The Struggle For and Against Academic Freedom within u.s. Universities
The fundamental role of Academic Freedom and free inquiry in US Higher Education
Jonathan R. Cole
Lessons from Middlebury
Allison Stanger
Academic Freedom and Controversial Speech about Campus Governance
Rogers Brubaker

Academic Freedom in the US and Its Enemies: A Polemic
Leon Botstein

Taking Account of Academic Freedom In Hungary
Key developments in Hungarian higher education
Attila Chikán
University autonomy in Hungary in perspective
István Kenesei
Historical foundations of academic freedom in Hungary
Katalin Tausz
Academic freedom and quality assurance in Hungarian universities
Valéria Csépe
The situation in Hungary from the perspective of private universities
Laszlo Vass

Freedom and its Enemies, or How To Be a Good Citizen in a Tangled World
Mario Vargas Llosa


Michael Ignatieff, Stefan Roch (eds)

Academic Freedom

The Global Challenge

Academic freedom—the institutional autonomy of scientific, research and teaching institutions, and the freedom of individual scholars and researchers to pursue controversial research and publish controversial opinions—is a cornerstone of any free society.  Today this freedom is under attack from the state in many countries—Russia, Turkey, Venezuela, Hungary, China—but it is also under question from within academe. Bitter disputes have erupted on American campuses, for example, about the limits of free speech and about whether liberal academic freedoms have degenerated into a form of coercive political correctness. Beyond the academy itself, among the general public, academic freedom is contested ground. As Robert Post of Yale Law School has put it, academic freedom is "the price the public must pay in return for the social good of advancing knowledge." Populist currents of political opinion are questioning the price a society pays for the freedom of its 'experts' and professors.

Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff served as President and Rector of CEU between 2016 and 2021. He now is a professor in CEU's history department. Ignatieff comes to CEU after serving as Edward R. Murrow Professor of Practice of the Press, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Stefan Roch

Stefan Roch is researcher at the Central European University.