Building an integrated higher education system in Europe

Liviu Matei, Adrian Curaj (eds)
Building an integrated higher education system in Europe
Romania's commitments in the European Higher Education Area and their implementation at national level
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15.5 x 22.9 cm
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Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. General commitments in the Bologna Process 3. The Social Dimension of higher education: access, participation and completion of studies 4. Lifelong Learning 5. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) 6. EHEA in a global context/ International Openness/ Internationalisation of education 7 Quality Assurance 8. Student-centred learning and teaching and the promotion of the teaching mission of higher education (third mission) 9. Multidimensional transparency instruments 10. Employability 11. Recognition of Studies 12. Qualifications Framework/ The Three-Cycle Structure/ Joint Programmes Appendix 1. Abbreviations used throughout the document 2. Table of figures 3. Table of tables 4. List of Romanian experts that have contributed to the development of the study 5. List of main recommendations

Liviu Matei, Adrian Curaj (eds)

Building an integrated higher education system in Europe

Romania's commitments in the European Higher Education Area and their implementation at national level

Europe witnessed tectonic shifts in higher education triggered by the Bologna Process. The impact expands even beyond higher education, into the political, economic, and cultural transformations of the continent. From a legal and operational perspective, Bologna is based on a series of voluntary commitments assumed by the ministers responsible for higher education of the participating countries. Their actual implementation takes various forms in different countries. The Bologna Process has been studied extensively. Currently, however, there is no systematic study available about what a participating country has actually committed to do, and how it has implemented these commitments. This policy report attempts to develop such a comprehensive study for the case of one country, Romania.

Liviu Matei

Liviu Matei is a Professor of Higher Education and Public Policy, and Head of the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London.