Nation and Migration
Nation and Migration
How Citizens in Europe Are Coping with Xenophobia
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Research Questions

Chapter 1. The Rise of Nations: Modernity and Nations Coming into Existence
The Three Historical Developmental Regions of Europe
Theorizing the Nation
The Fulfillment and Failure of Social Entropy
Ethnonational Minorities in the Modern Nation State
Ethnopolitics and Globalization

Chapter 2. National Identity in Europe: The Knowledge Base of National Identity
The Sociological Model of the Knowledge Base of National Identity
About the Research
Spontaneous National Identity, Membership in the National Group, and Pride in One’s Nation
Nationalism: Types of National Identification
The Explanatory Models of National Identity
Types of National Identity
European versus National Identity

Chapter 3. Attitudes toward Immigrants in Europe: The European Crisis and Xenophobia
Theoretical Considerations
The Empirical Testing of the Relationship Between Xenophobia and Prejudice (GFE-Syndrome)
The Empirical Testing of the Relationship Between Xenophobia and National Identification
The Extreme Manifestations of Hostility Toward Minority
Groups in Europe
Islamophobia and Fear of Fundamentalist Islam Terrorism in Europe
Islamophobia and Xenophobia

Chapter 4. Migration, New Minorities, and Social Integration of Migrant Groups
Migration in the Past and at Present
Moral Cosmopolitism or National Self-Centeredness?
Types of Migration
Global Trends of Migration
Theories of Migration
The Social Integration of Migrant Groups
Placing the Social Integration of Hungary’s Migrants in a European Comparative Perspective
The MIPEX Research
The ICS Research
The Paradoxes of Free Migration

Subject index 

György Csepeli, Antal Örkény

Nation and Migration

How Citizens in Europe Are Coping with Xenophobia

Nation and Migration provides a way to understand recent migration events in Europe that have attracted the world's attention. The emergence of the nations in the West promised homogenization, but instead the imagined national communities have everywhere become places of heterogeneity, and modern nation states have been haunted by the specter of minorities. This study analyses experiences relating to migration in 23 European countries. It is based on data from the International Social Survey Programme, a global cross-national collaborative exercise, with surveys made in 1995, 2003, and 2013. In the authors' view, a critical test for Europe will be its ability to find adequate responses to the challenges of globalization.

The book provides a detailed overview of how citizens in Europe are coping with a xenophobia fueled by their own sense of insecurity. The authors reconstruct the competing sociological reactions to migration in the forms of integration, assimilation and segregation. Hungary receives special attention: the data show that people living there are far less closed and xenophobic than they might seem through the prism of a media-instigated moral panic.


György Csepeli

György Csepeli is professor emeritus of social psychology, head of the Interdisciplinary Social Research Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. His research areas cover the social psychology of intergroup relations including national identity in a comparative perspective, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsy feelings. At present he is senior research fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Koszeg (iASK).

Antal Örkény

Antal Örkény is professor of sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Eötvös Lóránd University of Budapest. He is the director of the Institute for Social Relations; from 2011 he is heading the Post Graduate (PhD) Program in social sciences at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and is a visiting Professor at Central European University, Budapest. As civic engagement, he is the president of the Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants.