The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways

Balázs NagyMarcell Sebok (ed.)
The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways
Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak
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Tabula Gratulatoria Acknowledgments Preface I. PERSONALlA András Biró Baksi György Litván Finding (and losing?) the right path together (1945-48) András B. Hegedus "Dorange": A story of solidarity Péter Kende The Imre Nagy Institute in Brussels. A letter of sorts to János Bak Mihály Vajda Bak - as I see him II. ARTES Erno Marosi Kunsthistorische Bemerkungen zur Vision des heiligen Gerhard/Gellért Nancy van Deusen Byzantium and the West: Music as a cultural betrayer Béla Zsolt Szakács The Holy Father and the evils, or could the Hungarian Angevin Legendary have been ordered for a pope? Gerhard Jaritz "Young, Rich and BeautifuI." The visualization of male bea ut y in the late Middie Ages III. REBELLIONES John C. Parsons Violence and the queen's body: Medieval consorts, statecraft, and disorder in twelfth-century France Piotr Górecki Violence and the social order in a medieval society: The evidence from the Henryków region, ca. 1150-ca. 1300 Hanna Zaremska Le Juif au tribunal: Cracovie, XVeme siecle Gábor Klaniczay Images and designations for rebellious peasants in late medieval Hungary Ferdinand Seibt Utopia and Reformation in Central Europe IV. MAJESTAS Bernhard Schimmelpfennig Die Geburt Jesu, der Kaiser Augustus und die Sibylle von Tivoli Marianne Sághy The adventus of Constantius II to Rome 357 A. D. Hanna Kassis A glimpse of openness in medieval society: Al-I:Iakam II of Córdoba and his non-Muslim collaborators Maria, Dobozy Exeat Aula? Rulership in Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan Richard A. Jackson The livres bleu and rouge. Two coronation manuscripts in the cathedral of Reims Anna Brzezilíska Female control of dynastic politics in sixteenth-century Poland V. HAGIOGRAPHICA István Perczel Mankind's common inteIIectual substance: A study in the letters of Saint Antony and his Life by Saint Athanasius Ihor Sevcenko Constantine-CyriI, apostle of the Slavs, as "Bibliothecary," or how Byzantine was the author of Constantine's Vita? Anna Kuznetsova St. Stephen of Perm: Missionary and popular saint Ryszard Grzesik Die Ungarnmission des hl. Adalberts Neven Budak Was the cult of Saint Bartholomew a royal optio n in early medieval Croatia? Mary Beth L. Davis "Spekyn for Goddys Cawse": Margery Kempe and the seven spiritual works of mercy VI. QUOTIDIANA Janet L. Nelson Feast, games, and inversions: Reflections on The Ups and Downs of St. Gall Giedré Mickünaité A medieval parade? Anu Mand Signs of power and signs of hospitality: The festive entries of the Ordensmeister into late medieval Reval Richard W. Unger Beer in Eastern Europe in the MiddIe Ages Ludolf Kuchenbuch Kerbhölzer in Alteuropa - Zwischen Dorfschmiede und Schatzamt Vera Bácskai Housing in eighteenth-century Hungarian cities VII. VARIA MEDIEVALIA Aaron Ya. Gureuich A gif t awaits an answer. A page from the cultural history of society Susan Reynolds Carolingian elopements as a sidelight on counts and vassals Balázs Nagy Transcontinental trade from East-Central Europe to western Europe (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries) Felicitas Schmieder Enerny, obstacle, aIIy? The Greek in western crusade proposals (1274-1311) György Gere'by Eternal aIIegiances. Duns Scotus' place in the debate ab out the possibility of an eternaIly created world Henrik Birnbaum The vernacular languages of East Central Europe in the medieval period Paul E. Szarmach A preface, mainly textual, to Alcuin's De Ratione Animae VIII. HUNGARICA Pál Engel Erbteilung und Familienbildung Martyn Rady The filial quarter and female inheritance in medieval Hungarian law József Laszlovszky Field systems in medieval Hungary Katalin Szende Was there a bourgeoisie in medieval Hungary? Herwig Wolfram Die ungarische Politik Konrads II. László Veszprémy Dux et praeceptor Hierosoliminatorum. König Ladislaus (László) als imaginarer Kreuzritter László Koszta Die Domkapitel und ih re Domherren bis Anfang des 12. Jahrhunderts in Ungarn James Ross Sweeney Summa Potestas Post ....

Balázs Nagy

Marcell Sebok (ed.)

The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways

Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak

More than sixty friends and colleagues pay tribute to the distinguished professor János Bak's 70th birthday. Notable contributors from many countries dedicate previously unpublished essays and articles in this celebratory Festschrift. Reflecting the intellectual calibre of János Bak, scholars not only of medieval history, but also from the fields of modern history, philosophy, linguistics, art history and political science provide a broad range of perspectives on a wide range of disciplinary areas thus allowing a wide readership audience.
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Balázs Nagy

Balázs Nagy is Associate Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies of CEU, and at the Department of Medieval and Early Modern European History of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. A founding member of the Medieval Central Europe Research Network (MECERN). 


Marcell Sebok

Marcell Sebok is Assistant Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies of Central European University.