On The Edge

Margarita M. Balmaceda
On The Edge
Ukrainian - Central European - Russian Security Triangle
€ 129,00 excl. VAT
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Preface by Margarita M. Balmaceda

1. Ukraine, Central Europe, and Russia in a New International Environment (by Margarita M. Balmaceda)

The Political and Geopolitical Context of the Triangle

Ukraine in Writings about International Relations and International Relations Theory: the State of the Literature

Ukraine, Central Europe, and Russia in Contemporary Debates on International Relations

2. The Warsaw–Kyiv–Moscow Security Triangle (by Marek Calka)

Entangled Roots

1989–92: The Two-track Policy

199293: Lost Opportunities?

The Period of Reappraisals: PolishUkrainian Relations 199495

Relations with Russia 199495

199697: The Building of a National Consensus on Poland’s Eastern Policy




3. The Slovak–Ukrainian–Russian Security Triangle (by Alexander Duleba)

A Prehistory of Relations: The Split of Czechoslovakia and Slovakia’s ‘Eastern Pragmatism’

Slovakia’s Foreign Policy Concept and Current International Position: The Role of the Triangle

SlovakRussian Relations, 199397

SlovakUkrainian Relations, 199397

The Pattern of Relations



4. The Hungarian–Ukrainian–Russian Triangle: Not Like Rubik’s Cube (by László Póti)

From Subordination to Normalcy: HungarianRussian Relations, 199097

From Promise to Reality: HungarianUkrainian Relations, 199097


5. Economic Relations and the Ukrainian–Central European–Russian Triangle (by Margarita M. Balmaceda)


Raw Materials and Energy

Russian Debts and the Means for their Settlement

Military Technology

Russian Capital in Central Europe

Trade, Free Trade Zones, and Russia’s Use of Economic Instruments

The Role of Interest Groups in the Economic Triangle



6. The Triangle with Five Sides: Patterns of Relations between Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia (by László Póti)



Foreign Policy Concepts and Perceptions

Evolution of Political Relations

Patterns of Political Relations

The Security Dimension

Regional Cooperation

Domestic Context

The Minority Issue


7. The Ukrainian–Central European Borderland after NATO Expansion: Wall, Fortress, or Open Door? (by Margarita M. Balmaceda)

Russian–Ukrainan–Central European Relations and the European Security Question

What We Have Learned from the Triangle?

The Ukrainian–Central European Relationship after NATO and EU Expansion: New Walls or New Backdoors?



Margarita M. Balmaceda

On The Edge

Ukrainian - Central European - Russian Security Triangle

A new globally significant relationship arising after the break-up of the Soviet Union is the main topic of this unparalleled volume – the geopolitical link between Russia, Ukraine and the three bordering ‘Central European’ states, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. On the Edge is a path-breaking analysis of this triangular relationship with an in-depth focus on economic, political and, more importantly, security issues.

The expansion of NATO up to Ukraine’s borders is likely to leave Ukraine in a delicate position vis-à-vis Russia. On the Edge addresses key questions, such as: how are events in Ukraine affecting the security calculations of the Central European states; Central European relations with Russia and NATO; and relations among Central European states themselves? The volume examines what Central European states can do to solidify Ukraine’s independence and help it avoid international isolation.

On the Edge gives a Central European perspective on all these issues and suggests concrete forms of co-operation.


Margarita M. Balmaceda

Margarita M. Balmaceda is Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, USA, and former Marie Curie Fellow at the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland.