Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age

100 jaar kiesrecht
Academica University of Applied Sciences

Amsterdam Archaeological Studies

Antieke Historiografen
Archaeological Studies Leiden University

Asian Borderlands

Asian Cities

Asian Heritages

Asian History

Asian Visual Cultures

Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse boekhandel

CEU Central European Medieval Texts
CEU Crisis, Conflict and Security in Central and Eastern Europe
CEU Critical Approaches to Southeast Europe: A Cross-Disciplinary Series
CEU Critical Romani Studies Book Series
CEU Historical Studies in Eastern Europe and Eurasia
CEU Leipzig Studies on the History and Culture of East-Central Europe
CEU Medievalia
CEU Memory, Heritage and Public History in Central and Eastern Europe
CEU National Security Archive Cold War Reader
CEU Pasts Incorporated: Studies in the Humanities
CEU Press Classics
CEU Press Perspectives
CEU Press Studies in the History of Medicine
CEU Studies in Political Radicalization: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
CEU The Natalie Zemon Davis Annual Lectures Series
CEU Transnational Perspectives in Gender Studies
CEU Work and Labor – Transdisciplinary Studies for the 21st Century
Central European Medieval Studies

Changing Welfare States

China's Environment and Welfare
China: From Revolution to Reform

Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West

Cinema and Technology

Cities and Cultures

Cold War in Asia and Beyond

Colonial and Global History through Dutch Sources

Comprehensive Grammar Resources

Connected Histories in the Early Modern World

Consumption and Sustainability in Asia

Contemporary Studies on Premodern Scandinavia

Critical Asian Cinemas

Critical, Connected Histories

Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Cultures of Play

De Achttiende Eeuw

De boekenwereld

De witte Canon-serie
Debates on Islam & Society
Diaspora in Asia and Beyond

Digital Studies

Disaster Studies

Distinguished Asian Studies Scholars: Collected Writings

Doopsgezinde Bijdragen

Early Christianity in the Roman World

Early Modern Court Studies

East Asian Philosophy and Political Thought

Eastern European Screen Cultures

Entanglements, Interactions, and Economies in the Early Modern World

Environment and Society in Asia

Environmental Humanities in Pre-modern Cultures

Film Culture in Transition

Film Theory in Media History


Fokker G-1 collectie
Food Culture, Food History before 1900

Foundations - ARC

Framing Film

Frans Hals Studies

Games and Play

Gender and Art in the Museum: The Prado Collection

Gendering Asian Society, Politics and Development

Gendering the Late Medieval and Early Modern World

Global Asia

Global Chinese Histories, 250-1650

Global Connections: Routes and Roots
Golden Age Lectures

Green Media

Hagiography Beyond Tradition

Handboeken voor het Notariaat
Handbooks on Japanese Studies

Health, Medicine, and Science in Asia

Heritage and Memory Studies

Historia agriculturae

Histories of Everyday Life Around the World

Historische reeks Muzee Scheveningen
History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands

Horror and Gothic Media Cultures

Humanities Across Borders: A Methodologies Book Series

Imperialism in East Asia

In detail
Iranian Studies Series
Italy in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages

Jaarboek Korpora, Erfgoed Publieke Veiligheid

Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis / Yearbook for Dutch Book History

Jewish Urban Cultures

Justiz und NS-Verbrechen (DDR)
Knowledge Communities