Heritage and Memory Studies
Cover illustration: Central Zionist Archives. ‘The Old City in Miniature at the Holyland Hotel’, file no. NKH\428705, original no. 2198/39. Image taken from Modelscapes of Nationalism By Yael Padan
Series editors

Ihab Saloul, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Geographical Scope
Chronological Scope
Contemporary History
Editorial Board

Patrizia Violi, University of Bologna, Italy
Britt Baillie, Cambridge University, UK
Michael Rothberg, University of Illinois, USA
Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University, USA
Frank van Vree, NIOD and University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Rob van der Laarse, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Identity, Nationalism, Diaspora, Generational and Transnational Memories, Commemoration, Dark Tourism, Performativity, Social Forgetting, Digital Heritage, Europe and Beyond

Heritage and Memory Studies

This ground-breaking series examines the dynamics of heritage and memory from a transnational, interdisciplinary and integrated approaches. Monographs or edited volumes critically interrogate the politics of heritage and dynamics of memory, as well as the theoretical implications of landscapes and mass violence, nationalism and ethnicity, heritage preservation and conservation, archaeology and (dark) tourism, diaspora and postcolonial memory, the power of aesthetics and the art of absence and forgetting, mourning and performative re-enactments in the present.

Forthcoming titles

  • Accented Speech in Literature, Art, and Theory. Melodramas of the Foreign Tongue, Tingting Hui

  • Remaking Urban Heritage. Refugee Walking Tours in Berlin, Jaffa, and Tel Aviv, Michal Huss

  • Rethinking the Greek Campaign to Repatriate the Parthenon Marbles. Problems and Complexities in Contested Cultural Heritage, James Beresford

  • Palestine in Transition. Frank Scholten’s Visual Archive of the British Mandate Period, Karène Sanchez-Summerer and Sary Zananiri (eds)

  • Dissonant Heritage in Tourism. Confronting Difficult Pasts in Italy and Beyond, Maria Paola Pasini, Luciano Maffi, and Giovanni Gregorini (eds)

  • Commemorating Military Defeats through Public Sculpture at the Turn of the 20th Century. The International Cult of the Lost Cause, Nicholas Parkinson

  • Israeli Memory Politics of the Armenian Genocide. From Geopolitics to Jewish Ultra-Nationalism, Eldad Ben Aharon

  • Klaverjas and the Hidden Sporting Heritage of South Africa. Card Games, Community, and Black History, Hendrik Snyders and Leonard Jacobs

  • Contested Memoryscapes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Absences and Silences in Everyday Peace, Johanna Mannergren Selimovic

  • Carnival from Premodern Times to the Present. Rethinking Historical, Geographic, and Disciplinary Divides, Jeremy DeWaal and Roberta Colbertaldo (eds)

  • Liberal Narratives of Political Violence. The Holocaust, World War II, and State Socialism in East Central Europe, Dana Dolghin

  • Taboo in Cultural Heritage. Reverberations of Colonialism and National Socialism, Gregor Langfeld and Judy Jaffe-Schagen (eds)

  • Memory Activism in Africa. Reflections on Anti-Colonial Struggles, Genocides and Political Movements, Lungile Tshuma, Mphathisi Ndlovu, Ngozika Anthonia Obi-Ani and Khanyile Mlotshwa (eds)

  • Identities and Violence in Collecting Indonesian Colonial Objects, Caroline Drieënhuizen

  • Global China’s New Heroes. Martyrdom Construction and Authoritarian Memory, Vincent K. L. Chang and Florian Schneider (eds)
  • Historical Distance and the Holocaust. Memory Education among Middle Class Western Europeans, Thomas van de Putte
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