Open UvA Course Making Media: Production, Practices and Professions

Open UvA Course Making Media
Making Media: Production, Practices and Professions uncovers what it means and what it takes to make media (professionally), focusing on the lived experience of media workers within the global media.
The course offers a review of the key readings and debates in media production studies, with a specific focus on:
- changing media business models, economics, and management;
- global concentration and convergence of media industries and professions;
- the rise and role of startups and entrepreneurship;
- freelancing in the digital age;
- the role of creativity and innovation;
- diversity and inequality in the media industries.
The course includes rich case studies of the main media industries and professions: television, film, journalism, social media entertainment, advertising and public relations, digital games, and music. Every week, one or two media professionals from these media industries will visit the course to answer questions from students about their work and careers.
Examples of guests from last year:
- Martin Koolhoven, film director (including “Brimstone” 2016)
- Philippe Remarque, editor-in-chief De Volkskrant
- Michel Reilhac, interactive story architect Submarine Channel
- Pete Philly, hip hop artist
- Angie Smets, executive producer Guerilla Games
Student comments from evaluations last year: “This was one of the first courses during my studies that actually taught me something about the field of work I hope to enter after graduating”
“Interviews that gave an opportunity to meet great people and get enthusiastic about specific fields”
“Refreshing and new assignments, helpful lecturers and great expertise shown by the staff and the guests. Overall great content.”
Date: 4 February - 18 March 2019 Time: Mondays and Thursdays, 17:00 - 19:00 Location: Oudemanhuispoort, D0.08 Price: 190 / 171 (discount price for AUV-members) Semester/blok Semester 2, block 1 Language English Study material Making Media: Production, Practices and Professions Deadline registration 27 January 2019 (subject to availability) More information and registration