Narratives of Adversity
Narratives of Adversity
Jesuits on the Eastern Peripheries of the Habsburg Realms (1640–1773)
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Acknowledgments Introduction: A Fragile Splendor Prelude I Narratives of Adversity II Peripheries III “In Campos” IV Campaign in Prešov V Sex and Demons VI Detrimenta, Damna VII Theatre and Suffering VIII Jesuits in Banská Bystrica, Kláštor pod Znievom, Sárospatak, and Levoca IX In Pursuit of History X An Unredeemed Loss: The Jesuit Mission in Belgrade XI Trnava XII Conclusion Bibliography Index Registry of geographical names

Paul J. Shore

Narratives of Adversity

Jesuits on the Eastern Peripheries of the Habsburg Realms (1640–1773)

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Addresses the experience of Jesuit missionaries, teachers and writers along the peripheries of the Habsburg lands, which stretched to Moldavia, Ukraine, Serbia and Wallachia, and which were continually torn with ethnic tensions. The time scale of the study is from the "high tide" of the Society (often labeled "the first multinational corporation") in the fourth decade of the seventeenth century, until its suppression in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV. The book examines several of the communities situated along the periphery and the records that they left behind about their interactions with the local populations. It constructs a vivid picture of Jesuit life on the frontier that is built up in mosaic fashion and livened by compelling anecdotes. The Jesuits of Royal Hungary exercised a baroque expression modeled after the larger western cities of the Habsburg lands, which was a fragile splendor in part defined by the need to defend Catholicism from the hostility of Orthodox, Lutherans, Calvinists, and others.
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Paul J. Shore

Paul Shore has held teaching and research posts at Saint Louis University, Harvard Divinity School, the University of Wroclaw, the University of Edinburgh and Charles University Prague, and most recently was Stanley Knowles Distinguished Visiting Professor at Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.  His publications include The Eagle and the Cross: Jesuits in Baroque Prague, Jesuits and the Politics of Religious Pluralism in Eighteenth-Century Transylvania, and Rest lightly: A collection of Latin and Greek tomb inscriptions.