The Anti-American Century
The Anti-American Century
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Introduction The Anti-American Century? Ivan Krastev “Little America” Eastern European Economic Cultures in the EU Janos Matyas Kovacs Anti-Americanism in Latin America and the Caribbean: “False Populism” or Coming Full Circle? Alan McPherson Rethinking Young Anti-Americanism in South Korea Youngshik Bong and Katharine H. S. Moon How “Big Brother” Became the “Great Satan”: Changing Perceptions of the United States among the Muslim Communities of Southeast Asia Farish Ahmad Noor A Plea for Distinctions: Disentangling Anti-Americanism from Anti-Semitism Brian Klug

Ivan Krastev, Alan McPherson (red.)

The Anti-American Century

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This book interrogates the nature of anti-Americanism today and over the last century. It asks several questions: How do we define the phenomenon from different perspectives: political, social, and cultural? What are the historical sources and turning points of anti-Americanism in Europe and elsewhere? What are its links with anti-Semitic sentiment? Has anti-Americanism been beneficial or self-destructive to its “believers”? Finally, how has the United States responded and why? The authors, scholars from a multitude of countries, tackle the potential political consequences of anti-Americanism in Eastern and Central Europe, the region that has been perceived as strongly pro-American.
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Ivan Krastev

Ivan Krastev is Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia and research director of the Politics of Anti-Americanism project of the Central European University in Budapest. He has published widely on post-Socialist transition, corruption and politics of anti-Americanism in Central and Eastern Europe.

Alan McPherson

Alan McPherson is Associate Professor of History at Howard University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of the prize-winning Yankee No! Anti-Americanism in U.S.–Latin American Relations (Harvard, 2003), and of Intimate Ties, Bitter Struggles: The United States and Latin America since 1945 (Potomac, 2006).