Past for the Eyes
Past for the Eyes
East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums After 1989
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Introduction Part One: Documents of Communism: Lost and Found Rév: The Man in the White Raincoat Uitz: Communist Secret Services on the Screen: The Adventures of the Duna-gate Scandal in and Beyond Hungarian Media Varga: Façades: Private and Public in Kádár’s Kiss by Péter Forgács Solomon: Filmmaker’s Experience: Reconstructing Reality from Communist Archive Documents Part Two: Subjects of Nostalgia: Selling the Past Dakovic: Out of the Past: Memories and Nostalgia in (Post) Yugoslav Cinema Sarkisova: Long Farewells: The Anatomy of the Soviet Past in Contemporary Russian Cinema Poblocki: The Economics of Nostalgia: Socialist Films and Capitalist Commodities in Contemporary Poland Dominková: “We have democracy, don’t we?” Czech Society Reflected by Contemporary Czech Cinema Part Three: Objects of Memory: Museums, Monuments, Memorials Horváth: The Redistribution of the Memory of Socialism: Identity Formations in Hungary after 1989 Cristea - Radu-Bucurenci: Raising the Cross. Exorcising Romania’s Communist Past in Museums, Memorials and Monuments Vukov: The “Unmemorable” and the “Unforgettable”: “Museumizing” the Socialist Past in Post-1989 Bulgaria Mark: Containing Fascism: History in Post-Communist Baltic Occupation and Genocide Museums Main: How Communism Is Displayed? Exhibitions and Museums of Communism in Poland

Oksana Sarkisova, Péter Apor (red.)

Past for the Eyes

East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums After 1989

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
How do museums and cinema shape the image of the Communist past in today’s Central and Eastern Europe? This volume is the first systematic analysis of how visual techniques are used to understand and put into context the former regimes. After history “ended” in the Eastern Bloc in 1989, museums and other memorials mushroomed all over the region. These efforts tried both to explain the meaning of this lost history, as well as to shape public opinion on their society’s shared post-war heritage. Museums and films made political use of recollections of the recent past, and employed selected museum, memorial, and media tools and tactics to make its political intent historically credible. Thirteen essays from scholars around the region take a fresh look at the subject as they address the strategies of fashioning popular perceptions of the recent past.
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Oksana Sarkisova

Oksana Sarkisova is a Research Archivist at OSA Archivum, Central European University and Program Director of the International Documentary Film Festival Verzió. 

Péter Apor

Péter Apor is permanent research fellow at the Institute of History, Humanities Research Center, Budapest.