The Science of the Swastika
The Science of the Swastika
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Introduction: ‘Issues concerning the Teutons’ Chapter 1. The Tradition of Völkisch Germanism Chapter 2. History and Intuition Chapter 3. Origins of Ideographic Studies Chapter 4. Germanic Resurgence Chapter 5. National Socialism and Antiquity Chapter 6. Intellectual Prehistory Chapter 7. Academic Response Chapter 8. The Expansion of the Ahnenerbe Chapter 9. Into the Academy Chapter 10. Epilogue, Aftermath Conclusion: The Secret Garden Bibliography Index

Bernard Mees

The Science of the Swastika

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The first theoretically informed study of the relationship between an academic discipline and what the Nazis termed their Weltanschauung. The first study of Sinnbildforschung, German ideograph or swastika studies, though more broadly it tells the tale of the development of German antiquarian studies (ancient Germanic history, archaeology, anthropology, folklore, historical linguistics and philology) under the influence of radical right wing politics, and the contemporary construction of 'Germanicness' and its role in Nazi thought. The swastika and similar symbols were employed by the ancestors of the modern day Germans. As these had also become emblematic symbols of the forces of German reaction, Sinnbildforschung became intrinsically connected with the National Socialist regime after 1933 and disappeared along with the Third Reich in 1945.
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Bernard Mees

Bernard Mees is Faculty Member at the University of Tasmania, TSBE. He holds a doctorate from and is a fellow in historical studies at the University of Melbourne and also lectures in history at RMIT University.