Media Freedom and Pluralism
Media Freedom and Pluralism
Media Policy Challenges in the Enlarged Europe
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List of Tables List of Figures Introduction Chapter 1: Towards Democratic Regulation of European Media and Communication Hannu Nieminen Chapter 2: Visions of Media Pluralism and Freedom of Expression in EU Information Society Policies Miyase Christensen Chapter 3: From Media Policy to Integrated Communications Policy—How to Apply the Paradigm Shift on a European and National Level Halliki Harro-Loit Chapter 4: New Media Legislation: Methods of Implementing Rules Relating to On-Demand Services Éva Simon Chapter 5: A Failure in Limiting Restrictions on Freedom of Speech: The Case of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive Péter Molnár Chapter 6: Struggling with Diversity: Objectives, Outcomes, and Future of the European Quota Policy in the Context of the Television Scene in the Czech Republic Václav Štetka Chapter 7: Television: The Stepmother? Lilia Raycheva Chapter 8: Challenges of Regulation of the Blogosphere Andrej Školkay Chapter 9: Audience Resistance: Reasons to Relax Content Regulation Péter Bajomi-Lázár Chapter 10: From PSB to PSM: A New Promise for Public Service Provision in the Information Society Karol Jakubowicz Chapter 11: Regulating Media Concentration within the Council of Europe and the European Union Mihály Gálik Chapter 12: Which Governance for the European Audiovisual Landscape? A Multidimensional Perspective Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Fausto Colombo Chapter 13: The Link That Matters: Media Concentration and Diversity of Content Zrinjka Peruško Chapter 14: Developing the “Third Sector”: Community Media Policies in Europe Kate Coyer and Arne Hintz Bibliography Contributors Index

Beata Klimkiewicz (red.)

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Media Policy Challenges in the Enlarged Europe

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Addresses a critical analysis of major media policies in the European Union and Council of Europe at the period of profound changes affecting both media environments and use, as well as the logic of media policy-making and reconfiguration of traditional regulatory models. The analytical problem-related approach seems to better reflect a media policy process as an interrelated part of European integration, formation of European citizenship, and exercise of communication rights within the European communicative space. The question of normative expectations is to be compared in this case with media policy rationales, mechanisms of implementation (transposing rules from EU to national levels), and outcomes.
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Beata Klimkiewicz

Beata Klimkiewicz is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.