The Convolutions of Historical Politics
The Convolutions of Historical Politics
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Alexey Miller. Introduction. Politicization of history and history politics. Stefan Berger: German History Politics and the National Socialist Past Dariusz Stola: Poland’s IPN: a Ministry of Memory? Maciej Janowski: Jedwbne, 10.07.1941: a debate about the events of one day Gábor Gyáni: Trianon memory as a political instrument in today's Hungary Alexander Astrov: The “Politics of History” as a Case of Foreign-Policy Making Georgiy Kasianov: Politics of history in independent Ukraine Andrei Cusco: Politics of memory and politics of history in post-Soviet Moldova John-Paul Himka: Interventions: Challenging the Myths of Twentieth-Century Ukrainian History Diana Dumitru: Studying Holocaust in Moldova – a personal experience Alexei Miller: A U-turn? – power and history in Russia, 2004-2011 Sener Aktürk: Politics of History in Turkey: Revisionist Historiography’s Challenge to the Official Version of the Turkish War of Independence Jeff Kingston: The Politics of History in Contemporary Japan

Alexei Miller, Maria Lipman (red.)

The Convolutions of Historical Politics

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Thirteen essays by scholars from seven countries discuss the political use and abuse of history in the recent decades with particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia as case studies), but also includes articles on Germany, Japan and Turkey, which provide a much needed comparative dimension. The main focus is on new conditions of political utilization of history in post-communist context, which is characterized by lack of censorship and political pluralism. The phenomenon of history politics became extremely visible in Central and Eastern Europe in the past decade, and remains central for political agenda in many countries of the regions. Each essay is a case study contributing to the knowledge about collective memory and political use of history, offering a new theoretical twist. The studies look at actors (from political parties to individual historians), institutions (museums, Institutes of National remembrance, special political commissions), methods, political rationale and motivations behind this phenomenon.
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Alexei Miller

Alexei Miller is recurrent visiting professor, Central European University, Budapest and senior research fellow, Institute for Scientific Information in Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Maria Lipman

Maria Lipman is editor-in-chief, Pro et Contra Quaterly, Carnegie Foundation, Moscow.