Divine Interiors
Divine Interiors
Mural Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries
€ 128,99
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Aantal pagina's
21 x 29.7 cm
Ook beschikbaar als
Hardback - € 129,00
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Divine Interiors - 2 contents - 6 preface - 8 Introduction - 10 1 Paintings Described in Ancient Texts - 16 2 Paintings Found in Public Temples of the Greek world - 52 3 Paintings Found in Public Temples in Roman Italy - 56 4 Paintings in Provincial Roman Temples Across the Alps - 96 5 The Eastern Half of the Empire and North Africa - 120 6 Painted Shrines Dedicated to the Roman Emperor - 128 7 Roman Shrines Housing Non-Roman Cults - 158 8 Dura Europos: A Case Study - 198 9 Final Remarks - 212 Bibliography - 216 Index of Textual Sources - 236 Index of Names, Places and Subjects - 238 Colour plates - 246

Recensies en Artikelen

"Divine Interiors is a unique and much-needed book that fills a conspicuous gap in the scholarship on ancient Greek and Roman wall painting. Moormann has succeeded in forging a sound methodology for investigating this subject by investigating both ancient attitudes toward temple painting as found in preserved texts and through careful analysis of preserved remains of paintings in temples throughout the Roman world. Moormann has organized this disparate material logically, by dividing the temples according to cult. First come the public temples, first in Greece and Roman Italy, then in the western and eastern provinces. Next are the shrines dedicated to the Emperor cult, followed by the shrines housing non-Roman deities such as Isis, Mithras, and Sabazios. Dura-Europos merits a separate chapter, given the unusual preservation of temples representing the cults of Bel, Zeus Theos, Judaism, Gadde, and Christianity. Throughout Moormann’s scholarship is extremely thorough and accurate; he has left no stone unturned in his investigation. The result is an eminently useful account of this neglected subject. Readers will appreciate the thoroughness of Moormann’s account and will find it a solid foundation for further study of the paintings found in Greek and Roman temples." --John R. Clarke is Regents Professor of Art History at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of seven books on the art and culture of ancient Rome, with emphasis on the ways that visual culture indexes the practices of everyday life.|"Apollon, Isis, Mithra : how could the devotee identify the temple he entered ? Are there similarities between public sanctuaries, private oratories, scholae and temples for imperial cult? This highly sophisticated study is based on literary sources, but mostly on wall-paintings from Elst, Pompeii, Ostia, Luxor, Dura-Europos, and many other sites in the roman world." Hélène Eristov, researcher at the CNRS (Paris), expert in ancient wall-painting, works in Italy, Gaul, Middle East.

Eric Moormann

Divine Interiors

Mural Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries

Divine Interiors is een onderzoek naar de aankleding van Griekse en Romeinse heiligdommen met wandschilderingen. Machtige marmeren façades, beeldhouwwerken en schilderingen speelden een belangrijke rol in het aanzien van deze monumenten. Terwijl de offi ciëletempels, die met de steden of de staat waren verbonden, meestal een plechtige maar sobere uitstraling hadden, waren de gebouwen die gericht waren op meer volkse uitingen van religiositeit juist bont beschilderd. Scènes uit het leven van de vereerde godheid, aanhangers en beoefenaren van de cultus, planten en dieren konden de bezoekers van deze heiligdommen in hogere sferen brengen. Het valt op dat er in de uitgestrekte Grieks-Romeinse wereld veel overeenkomsten te vinden zijn tussen vaak ver van elkaar gelegen tempels. De muurschilderkunst kende net als andere kunstvormen stijl- en smaakveranderingen, maar die hadden wel overal dezelfde uitstraling.
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Eric Moormann

Eric M. Moormann is hoogleraar Klassieke Archeologie aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen. Zijn onderzoek bestrijkt de kunst en kunstnijverheid van de hellenistische en Romeinse wereld, vooral in verband met de stadscultuur uit deze periode.