Villa Landscapes in the Roman North
Villa Landscapes in the Roman North
Economy, Culture and Lifestyles
€ 146,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
21 x 29.7 cm
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Villa Landscapes in the Roman North - 2 contents - 8 preface - 10 Studying Roman villa landscapes in the 21st century.A multi-dimensional approach - 12 Reflections on the Iron Age background to the emergence of villa landscapes in northern France - 56 Exploring villa development in the northern provinces of the Roman empire - 72 On the origin and development of axial villas with double courtyards in the Latin West - 94 Town-country dynamics in Roman Gaul. The epigraphy of the rulingelite - 118 Ethnic recruitment, returning veterans and the diffusion of Roman culture among rural populations in the Rhineland frontier zone - 150 Indications for rural slavery in the northern provinces - 172 The idea of the villa. Reassessing villa development in south-east Britain - 190 The role of mortuary ritual in the construction of social boundaries by privileged social groups within villa landscapes - 206 Monumental funerary structures of the 1st to the 3rd centuries associated with Roman villas in the area of the Treveri - 222 Roman rural settlements in Flanders. Perspectives on a ‘non-villa’landscape in extrema Galliarum - 246 Evaluating settlement patterns and settlement densities in the villa landscapes between Tongres and Cologne - 270 The villa landscape of the Middle Aare valley and its spatial and chronological development - 286 Roman villa landscapes of the lignite mining areas in the hinterland of Cologne - 296 The Roman villa complex of Reinheim, Germany - 312 The Roman villa at Borg. Excavation and reconstruction - 328 List of contributors - 342

Ton Derks, Nico Roymans

Villa Landscapes in the Roman North

Economy, Culture and Lifestyles

Deze bundel biedt een synthese van recent onderzoek naar villa’s en villalandschappen in de noordelijke provincies van de Romeinse wereld. Thema’s die aan bod komen zijn onder meer de economische basis van door villa’s gedomineerde landschappen, rurale slavernij, stadplattelanddynamiek, de rol van monumentale graven in villalandschappen, zelfrepresentatie en de levensstijl van villa-eigenaren. Het boek geeft een origineel, multidimensionaal perspectief op de sociale, economische en culturele functie van villa’s in het Romeinse rijk.

Ton Derks

Ton Derks is assistant professor of Roman archaeology at the VU University in Amsterdam.

Nico Roymans

Nico Roymans is professor of West European archaeology at the VU University in Amsterdam.