Protagonists of Urban Order from the Middle Ages to the Present
Protagonists of Urban Order from the Middle Ages to the Present
Actions, Ideas, Concepts
€ 124,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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About the volume
1. Introduction
1. 1. Irena Benyovsky Latin, Protagonists of Urban Order in Pre-Modern Times
2. Representing Urban Order
2.1. Zdenka Janekovi. Römer, Traditional and New Ways of Dubrovnik’s Noble Elite to Maintain Urban Order in the Fourteenth Century
2.2. Martina Stercken, Guardians of Urban Order? Autocratic Mayors in the Late Middle Ages: The Case of Hans Waldmann
2.3. Donatella Calabi, Magistrates of the Venetian Republic as Decision Makers and Executors Welcoming Foreigners to the City (Fifteenth – Sixteenth Centuries)
3. Transforming Spatial Order
3.1. Keith D. Lilley, Mythologising Cities and Kings: The Wessex burhs of King Alfred the Great
3.2. Rosa Smurra, Spatial Order and City Authorities in Thirteenth-Century Bologna
3.3. Francesco Panarelli, The Role of Female Monasteries in the Organization of Urban Spaces in Southern Italian Cities: The Case of Matera
3.4. Marco Cadinu, Urban Community and the Common Good Control over the Building Activities and Water Management in Southern Italy (Thirteenth – Fourteenth Centuries)
4. Changing Social Order
4.1. John Henderson, Plague and the Social Order in Early Modern Italy: Tuscany, 1630-1633
4.2. Peter Clark, Civil Society and Urban Order: Suggestions and Questions
4.3. Steinar Aas, Urban Order in the Early Years of Narvik (1902-1910)
5. Protagonists of Urban Order in a Diachronic Perspective
5.1. Michel Pauly, Protagonists of Urban Spatial Order in a Longue Durée Perspective: Example of the City of Luxembourg
5.2. Lauren.iu R.dvan, From Medieval Principality to Modern State: The Impact of Change on Towns in the Romanian Area
5.3. Thomas Riis, Perceptions of Urban Poverty and Good Polity in Denmark from the Black Death to 2021

Protagonists of Urban Order from the Middle Ages to the Present

Actions, Ideas, Concepts

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
European cities and towns are considered places with a particular order established by their inhabitants. This volume centres on the authorities, groups, and individuals who formed the rules for common life in urban communities. It considers the protagonists of urban order between the Middle Ages and modernity: those who were responsible for the common welfare, those who produced change, and those who caused disorder. The authors focus on the practices that shaped the order of urban communities and in particular on situations in which this order was transformed both socially and spatially. By looking at urban order through this lens, the volume sheds light on the complex interplay of interests that can bring about change.

Irena Benyovsky Latin

Irena Benyovsky Latin is Scholarly Advisor at the Croatian Institute of History and general secretary of International Commission for History of Towns. She researches medieval urban history of Dalmatian Cities. The most important books: Knjige op.inskih nekretnina i najmova Dubrovnika (13.-18. st.) (2007), Srednjovjekovni Trogir. Prostor i dru.tvo (2009).

Tonija Andric

Tonija Andri., is an Associate Professor at the Department for History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Split, Croatia.

Martina Stercken

Martina Stercken is a Professor of medieval history at University of Zürich. Her research interests include urban history, history of power and medieval cartography. Recent books: Kommunale Selbstinszenierung. Städtische Konstellationen zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit (2018), Stadtentwicklung im vormodernen Europa (2021).