Climate Security and the Military
Climate Security and the Military
Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships
€ 141,00
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Table of Contents;
List of Figures and Tables;
Introduction to Climate Security and the Military;
Part-1 Understanding the Climate-Security Nexus;
Chapter 1. Climate, security and the military – a call to action Interview with general (ret.) Tom Middendorp;
Chapter 2. Climate Security between Acts of God and the Anthropocene: Lessons from Paradigmatic Shifts in Disaster Studies;
Chapter 3. Defence Evolution: Climate Intelligence & Modern Militaries;
Chapter 4. Does a warming climate heat up the small arms market?;
Chapter 5. Cooling the Cauldron: A Climate Security Intervention Framework;
Chapter 6. Low lands, high stakes: How the Dutch navigate climate security;
Chapter 7. Scientific Climate Consensus, Human Causation, and the Divergent Public: The Continued Influence Effect of Misinformation;
Chapter 8. Towards a Sustainable Military Supply Chain: An Empirical Exploration of Defence Industry Codes of Conduct;
Chapter 9. Uphill Battle: Military Organizations’ Reporting on Environmental Sustainability Performance;
Part 3 - Adaptation
Chapter 10. Climate change and the role of the military in crisis management and disaster response;
Chapter 11. Novel emergency response interventions for flood resilience;
Chapter 12. Prevention and detection of adversarial threats to vital infrastructure at sea: an operational analysis approach;
Part 4 – Mitigation; Chapter 13. Cleaner Conflicts? Energy Transition and Green Innovation in the Dutch Army;
Chapter 14. Alternative fuels, propulsion and power systems for future navy ships – a route towards reduced emissions and signatures, and fossil fuel independence;
Chapter 15. Helicopter formation flight for improved mission effectiveness;
Chapter 16. Solar geoengineering as a threat to climate security, cooperation and state sovereignty; About the authors

Climate Security and the Military

Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This book, Climate Security and the Military: Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships, reviews the climate Security Nexus from the military angle and proposes the design of climate security strategies and how they can contribute to adaptation to and mitigation of the related challenges. Part 1 reviews the understanding of the Climate Security Nexus. Subsequently, Part 2 assesses the potential design of climate security strategies. In Part 3, adaptation to climate change by the military is reviewed. Finally, part 4 discusses the potential contribution of the military to climate mitigation from the angle of operations on land, at sea and in the air, and of solar geoengineering. By thus analysing the impact climate has on security around the world and military operations, this book provides a unique and much needed view on the mutual influence of climate security and the military and provides suggestions to adapt to and mitigate the resulting challenges.

Georg Frerks

Prof. Georg Frerks held the chair of Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management at Utrecht University and the chair of International Security Studies at the Netherlands Defence Academy till his retirement in 2021.

Rinze Geertsma

Cdr (E) dr. ir. Rinze Geertsma (Fellow, IMarEST) is assistant professor at the Netherlands Defence Academy and guest researcher at Delft University of Technology with a research interest in military energy systems.

Jeroen Klomp

Prof. dr. Jeroen Klomp is a full professor on arms export control at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy and associate professor economics at the Wageningen University & Research.

Tom Middendorp

General (Ret) Tom Middendorp is a former Chief of Defense of The Netherlands and was appointed as the Chairman of - the International Military Council on Climate and Security (IMCCS). He is author of the book ‘Climate General’.