City in Sight
City in Sight
Dutch Dealings with Urban Change
€ 70,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Table of Contents - 6 Acknowledgements - 8 Cities in Sight, Inside Cities: An Introduction - 10 1. Post-Industrialization and Ethnocentrism in Contemporary Dutch Cities: The Effects of Job Opportunities and Residential Segregation - 26 2. Unraveling Neighborhood Effects: Evidence from Two European Welfare States - 42 3. The Effects of State-Led Gentrification in the Netherlands - 62 4. Problematic Areas or Places of Fun? Ethnic Place Marketing in the Multicultural City of Rotterdam - 82 5. Local and Transnational Aspects of Citizenship: Political Practices and Identifications of Middle-class Migrants in Rotterdam - 104 6. A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action: Real-life Expressions of Vital Citizenship in City Neighborhoods - 122 7. Organize Liberal, Think Conservative: Citizenship in Light Communities - 142 8. ‘Control over the Remote Control’, or How to Handle the ‘Normal’ World? The Policy and Practice of Community Care for People with Psychiatric or Intellectual Disabilities - 160 9. Changing Urban Networks and Gossip: Moroccan Migrant Women’s Networks in the Dutch Welfare State - 174 10. The Relationship Between Policy Governance and Front-line Governance - 192 11. Between Ideals and Pragmatism: Practitioners Working with Immigrant Youth in Amsterdam and Berlin - 204 12. Explaining the Role of Civic Organizations in Neighborhood Co-production - 224 13. The Amsterdam Office Space Tragedy: An Institutional Reflection on Balancing Office Space Development in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region - 250 The Dutch Orange and the Big Apple: A Comparative Commentary - 268 References - 278 Notes on Contributors - 302 Index - 308

Recensies en Artikelen

This timely and enlightening volume highlights the latest urban research in the Netherlands. From urban citizenship and civic participation to immigrant integration and urban governance, CITY IN SIGHT provides valuable new perspectives on and insightful analysis of urban transformations and challenges in Dutch cities. Nancy Foner, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York The Cities of the Netherlands, like cities throughout Europe and North America, are undergoing profound changes in terms their of demography, land use and civic life. The fascinating essays in Cities In Sight are required reading for anyone hoping to understand what these changes mean for Dutch cities and urban life in general. Professor Philip Kasinitz, City University of New York Cities In Sight will be a key resource not only for scholars who are concerned with specifically Dutch patterns of sociospatial development, but to all who are interested in understanding contemporary urban transformations, recent urban policies and the new lines of conflict the latter have generated. Neil Brenner, Professor of Sociology and Metropolitan Studies Director, Metropolitan Studies Program, New York University

City in Sight

Dutch Dealings with Urban Change

De bijdragen in deze bundel geven zicht op de stad en stedelijke verandering vanuit verschillende invalshoeken. De auteurs plaatsen hun bevindingen in de context van het Nederlandse en internationale debat over stedelijke problematiek. City in Sight laat zien wat de meest prangende kwesties zijn waar Nederlandse steden zich momenteel voor gesteld zien.

Jan Willem Duyvendak

Jan Willem Duyvendak is faculteitshoogleraar van de Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen (FMG) aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en Directeur van Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW). Bij AUP verscheen ook zijn boek Thuis. Het drama van een sentimentele samenleving (2017).

Mies van Niekerk

Mies van Niekerk is programmaleider onderzoek bij Nicis Institute.

Frank Hendriks

Frank Hendriks is hoogleraar vergelijkende bestuurskunde aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Hij publiceert veelvuldig over beproefde en nieuwe vormen van democratie, met bijzondere aandacht voor de Nederlandse consensusdemocratie.